Dear Lady In Red... Concerning
the room with a view...
Oh no my Lady
I'd not be so crass
A room with a view
Must have more than glass
Curtains there must be
To keep out the Toms
Like that spud E. Fudd
With the sweaty palms
No indiscretion
Did I wish to make
Only an offer
One I hope you'll take
I've saved red crayons
For one such as you
And in privacy
My masterpiece we'll do
A virgin canvass
Awaits your fine form
To be dressed in red
With smile so warm
The Mona Lisa
Will pale by compare
Green with jealousy
For your beauty there
So fear not your King
With room and a view
For all will soon see
The wonder of you
Done in crayon hues
To hang in the 'Stute
My Lady in Red
Please do not refute
I’m dreaming
on colours red
when crayons
gently touch
the canvas
Divine inspiration
fills up the room
while you create
with tender touch
Reaching out
and finding
the red rose
that lies within
the depth of me
On wings
of illusion
we fly
from here
Our castle
on nothing
Every stroke
your crayon makes
a caress
to my
fragile soul
A final touch
a glance
you created
I think I am falling in love........
Lady in Red
I think I'm gonna heave...LOL
The world stands stark white
Waiting for pigments bright
Then with a lunge comes life
As the colors run rife
A line drawn too a curve
In a profile to serve
Tender strokes and great flair
Fingers work in love's care
Capturing the heart's view
With the form that is you
My Lady In Red
(Nurse C... feel free to heave
cause you had me
ROTFLMAO with that one line... )
Flying on the strong winds of
Higher than any eagle ever flies,
Pushing aside all human intrusion,
Dreaming away until night once more
dies .
Building a castle on cloud number
Enlightenment through touch of the
Swinging King,
Encounter with Crayons of such
Fills my soul with a love, it makes
it sing.
Universal awareness fills my heart,
With stars in my eyes I gaze at the
To Mother Earth and heaven’s starry
I hope our path doesn’t end too soon.
With tears like dewdrops we greet
morning’s light,
Life is worth living with the Crayon
I whisked you away
From your once noble King
He never even noticed
He's a real ding-a-ling
In a tower on high
Is where you will be
I'll be your Romeo
And you'll worship me
Don't worry my dear
He won't come for you
For if he does
He can't pay the due
It will be his life
That he'd owe for your own
Cause I am a Justin
Right to the bone
It's you that I want
And you I did take
The Crayon King
Will always be second rate
I've gone for my sword
I've gone for my shield
Doc Moose is my horse
Before us all yield
My Lady in Red
Fear not for your fate
I'll slay Justin T
I'm not second rate
I'll storm the tower
Dispatching my foe
Like Sir George's worm
Justin T will soe
Reaching the summit
I'll whisk you away
To the Corner Pub
Where we'll swing and sway
My Lady in Red... your words are of
a beauty
only matched by your smile.
Looks at the king
With a gleam in her eye
Picks up a crayon
To give it a try
Then whispers so softly
Into his ear
"I've a better idea
Now you just stay here"
She brings back some nuts
Strawberries, whipped cream
"I feel like a sundae,
Will you be my ice cream?"
All alone in this old tower
Justin T. is here in power
The world outside far away
This is a most dreadful day
Waiting for my Crayon Knight
To arrive on his Moose white
Will he defeat Justin Tolerable
My King of the Crayon Round Table
Maybe Rapunsel he’d prefer
Or a wild Nurse with a blur
A promise of ice cream delight?
The other with a stormy night?
My King will not cause me pain
For him I consider to go insane
Please help me out of this misery
Oh my goodness, I hear Justin T.!
Nurse Cratchet to the left
Rapunsel to the right
Please my Lady in Red
Please save me from this plight
The gauntlet I'll charge through
I'll fight with white Russians
Chocolate sundae hair-dos
Through all their false passions
All I ask is your hand
To make us two a match
For you my Lady Red
All others I'll dispatch
Lady Red I beg you
Claim me your champion
Please be my one true Queen
Your King ‘Stute Companion
Here I ride for you
all saddled up
and drank a few.
My horse is black
and there's room
for you on his back.
So here I come
to rescue you
from that
intolerable bum.
I'll ride you away
to my castle
in time
I do pray.
So hop on back
will ride all night
I'll give you
I'll hold nothing
(sweet sugar of my earth)
Crayon King, my Crayon King
What hast thou done with me
Whenever I do close my eyes
My heart is there with thee
King of East Wing at the 'Stute
What hast thou done with me
I feel thou whispers in my soul
I wish to be with thee
My Knight in shining armour
What hast thou done with me
Thou temper of my graving heart
I long to be with thee
Enchanter of the first kind
What has thou done with me
My heart thou hold within your spell
My hand I'll cut for thee?
Mar not your beauty
My Lady in Red
Cut not one finger
I'll not see you bled
Please keep your fine hand
Attached to the rest
So I may have all
To hold and caress
Listen not to them
Those Justins who call
They are pretenders
Everyone of them all
I'm your one true King
Ruler of the 'Stute
A fact that Cratchet
Can't even refute
Anointed by God
To carry your flame
In my heart of hearts
There is but your name
My Lady in Red
My Crayon King I hear your plea
My heart’s full of fear can’t you
In this tower I wait for thee
Awaiting you to rescue me
My heart’s full of fear can’t you
Justin T. is after your head
Awaiting you to rescue me
Claiming I am his Juliet
Justin T. is after your head
Justin Spire’s out on crusade
Claiming I am his Juliet
Sweet sugar of my earth, he states
Justin Spire’s out on crusade
His heart is filled with love for
Sweet sugar of my earth, he states
His one and only destiny
This heart is filled with love for
I do claim you my Champion
My one and only destiny
My King, ‘Stute true Companion
I do claim you my Champion
In this tower I wait for thee
My King, ‘Stute true Companion
My Crayon King I hear your plea
Your Lady in Red
Sweet sugar of my earth divine
sweeter than that of fine wine,
your destiny of desire won't wait
so my promise of love not to late.
I'm outside your window can you see
with longing eyes I need you forever
to be.
the sweetest sugar of my earth
Justin Spire give it up
you sound like a lost pup(py)
The crayon king will win
so pop yourself now with a pin
The Lady in Red is smitten
as so I've seen everywhere
so ride off on that horse
this cannot be your destined
I see a major problem here
and it is a big one I fear
I'm on it Lady in Red
no longer will you need dread
this Justin Tolerable guy
your time here I will buy
and then you can ride off freely
on the horse I rode in on Greely.
I'll be Justin Tolerable's pawn
until the rising sun of dawn
then I will gather me a rope
and dangle down it and hope
I can quietly escape his tower
then nobody will be in his power.
Now you ladies think me dumb,
But why your faces are so glum?
I spotted all your treachery,
Now neither one of you are free.
You’re locked up in my tower high,
Your hopes are set on one small guy.
Give it up, he will not come,
I have him right here on the run.
He is a coward, can't you see?
He'll never get the best of me.
So ladies resign yourselves to this,
We'll live here in eternal bliss.
Lady in Red what did I do
I meant no harm to come to you
All I wanted was to set you free
maybe someone can climb that tree
and bring a board for a ramp from
the window.
Oh my goodness I see'see a giant
black widow.
Justin Tolerable
I'm throwing down the glove
For my Lady in Red
The one who is my love
Justin Tolerable
Prepare yourself for siege
Its time you bow down to
Your master and Lord Liege
I've mustered my forces
And not in dijon yellow
I've come to cook you down
Roasted like a marshmallow
My crayons are all sharpened
Each with a point to be made
They'll color all over you
You'll need more than a Band-Aid
Release My Lady in Red
As well as good Nurse Kindheart
Or suffer the dogs of war
We'll tear your tower apart
You remember Ian
The dog European
The pet of the Wicked Witch
The one who's always a peein'
Ian, dog European
He's a right feisty old mutt
I've trained him to sniff you out
And to bite right in the butt
So if your carcASS you'll save
You'll hand the Ladies over
Do not dally in your deed
Cause here comes my dog rover
Keep heart my Lady Red for I'm on my
Justin Tolerable is nothing more
than Alpo.
Rest assured of my victory and keep
newbie nurse calm. Your Knight in Color,
One Flew... thanks for joining the
no matter the battle... fruits or
I know I can count on you. Fly high
buddy... fly high.
Nurse Kindheart, please step
So I can fight this monster black
Behind me in the alcove you hide
While this widow black I'll
A crayon here, a crayon there
How dare you scare her out of her
I’ll send you off to Annie Where
She’s not just another titbit
My dear Nurse, do not longer fear
Come out of your alcove hide
The widow’s gone, that much is
Let’s see what happens outside
Oh dear, Oh my, look at my King
He’s into a fight with T.!
Passion Play!
Their swords cross, while Moose sings
His favourite "Walk This
Look at this Ian! The dog
He’s taken the long short cut!
He’s about to attack the tower!
He’s peein’!
And ready to bite some butt!
I cannot see them Annie Longer
Where on earth have they gone?
I know my King will be stronger
Will colour his left jaw bone
I hear a loud noise right
Who’s there behind the door?!?!
No Kindheart there’s no time to
Is it my Crayon King I adore?
She did not realize it happened
now I am fearfully left to attend.
A bite to the ankle she took
I can't believe how bad she shook.
Now I think she's gone into shock
I've been counting minutes on this
here clock
forty-five have gone by since the
and nothing seems to be quite right.
She has not spoken a word to me
where in the world can anyone be,
hear my plea's for this Lady in Red
for I fear soon she'll be good as
Ladies of the tower
Cast away all your fear
Justin T is now slain
And I, your King, am here
What has happened Nurse K?
What has befallen Red?
Tell me she is sleeping
That she does not lay dead!
What is it that you say?
A spider she did fight!
When Red was not looking
It gave her this here bite!
Ian!, Dog European
Come quickly my brave pet
Go fetch good Doctor Moose
Stop not! To make things wet
I'm so sorry my Red
For my arrival late
Please hang in there my sweet
Don't make this your fate
I'd give my 'Stute Kingdom
To have you back with me
Nurse K please do something
Don't let her spirit flee!
Administer first aid
Should we suck the poison?
You say she was bit where?
Right next to her bosom!
Please stand aside Nurse K
I'll handle things from here
Red's life is in my mouth
Is that a pulse I hear?
*** Waking up in fury ***
Oh my goodness dear King
Thought you were Justin T.
Felt right on my chest
Something touching me
That's an awful bruise
I made on your face
Kind of colourful though
Hope you don't need a brace
Will you please forgive
Your Lady in Red
I never thought I' see
You again after this Hell
Nurse Kindheart will you please
Justin T., although he is no friend
But still a brother of the ‘Stute
To let him die, I must refute
Justin Spire, sweet young man,
My heart belongs to this Crayon man
I hope you’ll comprehend
May I still call you friend?
Here is my hand, I’m sorry dear
In your face I struck in fear
Even though I did not mean to
Please do what you must do
Colour it red, colour it blue
Colour it with everlasting hues
This hand from now on belongs to
As does all of the rest of me
Blue eyed Knight from East Wing
One and only Crayon King
Master cook of mystery stew
Where do we go from here?
My Dear Lady in Red
Though I've suffered your hit
To know my Red's alive
I am hurt not one bit
Though my eye is shaded
A perfect hue of blue
It matches that hickey
That I just gave to you
Now that I have you back
There's but one thing to do
A wedding's in order
To unite me and you
(getting down on one knee)
I tender you privilege
To all of my colors
Please accept this offer
Above all the others
What say you my Lady
Will you marry this King?
And in your so doing
Become my Queen East Wing
Oh Dear.....What must I do?
Now I have to explain to you
A secret of darkness
After a night sleepless
My answer my love, my King
will be in "My King, Ruler Of
The East Wing"
Sweet sugar of my earth divine
please take my hand as yours
you will live in peace with thine.
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