Dance Marathon


Nurse Crachet


It's here it's now

even crazy some how

to see these Justin's

with their bruised shins.

Lady in Red wants permission

a flower like her is a dandelion

rather have a once beautiful rose

then someone dressed in those clothes.

The D.J.'s playing some grooving dance songs

and I seen two Justin's wearing white lacy tongs.



Nurse Crachet


I forgot to mention the prizes for best dancers from

Saturday 8pm till Sunday 6pm.


1st prize: Room with a view for 1 week

(I see Elmer Fudd winning this one)

2nd prize: A weekend furlough

(I see Andrew winning this one.)

3rd prize: 1 special guest allowed for 1 day

4th prize: Choice of the next social function.


I could not guess on the last two prizes for I have

no clue to all the others dance qualities.


Get dancing and good luck!



Justin Spire


I heard there's a dance

so I came as soon

as I had a chance.

Even prizes to boot

glad I got untangled

from my parachute.

Nobody's here yet,

but when they arrive

were all gonna sweat.



Justin Tolerable


All you groovy dancers

Had better stand aside

Justin's here to show you

Just how to slip and slide

You think you'll win the prizes

I'll tell you this right now

I'll mop the floor with all of you

I'll really show you how


To move your bodies to the groove

I'll bump you and I'll grind

I'll limbo and I'll mambo

And wiggle my tight behind

So don't show up at all poor folk

You haven't got a chance

For Justin's here, you know I'll win

Even in these pants.



Lady in Red


Knock - knock, may I please join too?

I love dancing. Is the King there too?

My friend Crachet doesn't hear my plea

How much longer before I go crazy?



Justin Nuendo


I’m sorry M’lady

I’d luv to invite ya in

But I am not sure

If that’d be OK with the King


While you wait a bit

Right there next to the door

I will spend some minutes

With Justin Spire on the floor


Besides, Nurse Crachet

Is a little jealous here

And I wouldn’t want to ruin

This happy atmosphere


Although with Justin Tolerable

It will be very hard to cheer

He’s known for his rude manners

And kill any happy atmosphere!



Nurse Crachet


Wow, look at Justin Tolerable groove

he can surely take that body and move,

and look at Justin Nuendo take to the floor

Did I just hear someone pounding on the door?

Why Lady in Red what brings you to these parts?

Last time I saw you, you were breaking ladies hearts.

As Justin Tolerable barges through the door and grabs her hand

I go falling to floor bumping my head firmly, floating off to wonderland.



Justin Spire


What happened over here?

The Nurse is dead I fear,

call someone for help

she's bleeding from her scalp.

I can't take this she's gonna die

is there anybody here who can qualify

to treat this here Nurse who is so pale?

This is serious she's looking mighty frail.



Nurse Crachet


Off In Wonderland


Doors opening

distant call

voices echoing

how'd she'd fall.


icicles bouncing

becoming spears

animals gathering

warding away fears.


Siren wailing

little hope here

CPR failing

dying in fear.





I'll check her pulse (as he places his hand on her knee)

I think she's starting to convulse.

I'm running to go get some water

when I got back she started to shiver.

A blanket I'll fetch from the closet

I got back and she was in a sweat.

Where are all the Stutigans when you need them?

I guess we're on are way to losing our Gem.



Justin Spire


(Talking to Lady in Red)


Fine lady I don't think we've met,

my name Is Justin Spire

I think your name is Juliet.


I watched him drag you into here

I would have come sooner

but I was in so much fear.


What are they gonna do with her

she did not deserve such pain

all of them seem amateur?


Where did Justin Tolerable go?

You must be so confused,

I think she took a hefty blow.


Come over with me Juliet

I need to see for myself

if Crachet is conscious yet.



Lady in Red


Pleased to meet you Justin Spire

It was awful I must admit

This Justin Tolerable guy

Tried to hold me in his grip


Let us go, sweet young man

And find out what is wrong

With this Crachet woman asleep

Together we will be strong


Oh my goodness! There is blood

Running from a real deep cut

And her nose looks very bruised

She will soon look like a jelly doughnut!


I am truly sorry guys

but I don't think it's good taste

to now want a lick or two

from this marsh mallow face


Where are Doc Moose and Crayon King?

For an emergency like this

Please guys do hurry back

We have a real Stute crisis!



Justin Nuendo


Dear Crachet! Ya did it again!

Ya took off to another world!

Only this time without heroine in yar brain!



Nurse Crachet


Where am I, who are you,

and who are you, and you?

What are you doing in my house,

where's my faithful dog?

Are you some kind of aliens,

what are you staring at?

Why do you look purple,

and you look red?

I'm confused,

where is my head?



Justin Spire


Nurse Crachet it's Justin Spire

can you see me Nurse Crachet?

I'm so happy you did not expire.

Look, look everyone she's awake

Juliet, Juliet where did you go?

I hope not off to follow the fake.

Justin Nuendo get me some water,

are you thirsty Nurse Crachet?

"What's that?"

Where's your darling daughter?



Justin Nuendo


Here's for the Nurse some water

Is she really up an awake?

Btw, Justin Spire

who do ya mean with this fake?


Hmm, I guess I lost me mind a bit

of course ya mean Justin Tolerable

wanting to be the King of this place

which is Justin Probable!



Lady in Red


My true name is indeed Juliet

Given to me by my Father dear

When my Mother left us for a doctor

For years we shed many a tear


Oh dear! Oh my! What do I hear!

What are you saying mixed up Nurse!

Are YOU my long lost Mother?

Or is this some evil curse?



Andrew Scott


Second place to Fudd!

That just cannot be

I'm the hippest King

That you'll ever see!


Ask Lady In Red

The moves that I make

How I hit the floor

with shimmy and shake


Second place to Fudd!

That's Justin Tolerable

That spud can't cut rug

He's wholy incapable


Me, I'm Fred Astair

I am the 'Stutes best

The Lady in Red

Will surly attest


There is no better

I cannot be beat

I've got Elvis' hip

And Baryshnikov's feet


So first prize is mine

A room with a view

Dear Lady in Red

Can I share it with you?



Nurse Crachet


Is anybody here, hello

I need my soft pillow?

HHHHelllo, III'mm III'mm

nnnott fffeeeelliing ggood.



Lady in Red


With shimmy and shakes

Are the moves that he makes

He is the 'Stutes best

To that I attest

He cannot be beat

He has Baryshnikov's feet

And the Elvis' hip

What showmanship!

He struck my nerves

First prize he deserves

A room with a view? How profuse!

Are you looking for a bruise?



Nurse Crachet


"Juliet, Juliet where are you?"

I wonder where my beautiful

little girl is, last I saw

she was picking daisy's

in the field across the street.

She is so sweet and loves

the color red,

that reminds me

I have a present for her

resting on my bed.







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