Make Way! Make Way! Do Not Delay!
Make way! Make way! Do not delay!
To the E.R. quickly, Stat I say!
We've got one here from # 6 O.P.
A possible self induced O.D.!
Looks like a bad trip, start a
thorazine drip
She's ingested enough to make anyone
Look at those eyes, un-focused,
Are you in there Nurse C., could
you please tell us why?
We know you are a caring sort
And though with you we like to
Never in our wildest dreams
Did we think you'd go to such
All of us with-in the
The artistes and assorted fruit
Hate to see you take this route
A hand here quick please R.N.
Start the pump, we've got to dump
Those pills she took in one big
Good thing we got here Justin
Her vitals soon should start to
They were dangerously low
She almost went to OZ you know
Not by way of tornado
In this Doctor's bag, one should
not go!
Now just one question does remain
As the Scare-crow sang in his
How much can she hope to regain
If she only has a brain?
She says it's the pills
But I have my doubts
I've heard her talking
In whispers and shouts
She can't remember
Just what she has done
I personally
Think there's more than one
There is no real Sis
She's all in her head
And between them both
There isn't one med
And dear Doctor Moose
If your bag's vacant
Its not from Nurse C
She did not take it!
You see, its this stew
With the mystery head
Its got me twitchy
And full of dread
Awake day and night
Can't stop thinking who?
I'm on my last nerve
Who's head's in that stew?
So I took them all
The pills in your bag
The round little ones
With the "MM" tag
Those chocolate centres
Sure were a nice treat
They calmed me right down
Forgot about meat
But back at the pot
I saw it still there
Floating in wine sauce
With parsley for hair
And then I thought, and
Started to spasm
So if you got more
Please Doc, I need 'em!
Just hit me with some
Of those wondrous pills
Candy coated "M"s
The cure for what ills
I'll take 'em with nuts
Or with extra crunch
All that I ask is
That they don't talk much.
Now that Cwatchit and Doc are away
One all fwipped out where she's likwy
to stay
Who is weft to wun the
'spose it's me! Now ain't
that cute?
My wucky stars are shining bwight
You can bet I'll have some fun tonight
Cwatchit's off in wa-wa-wand
Heh,Heh,Heh, just wike I pwanned
All scwewed up with no pwace to go
No one bewieved me when I told them so
Can't stop me you woonatics
Elmer's wise to all your twicks
Wine 'em up and knock 'em down
How many more are there awound
One of you must have some guts
'Stutes are always full of nuts
Nothing up my sweeve...pwesto!
Elmer's back, on with the show!
X-twa, X-twa, wead all about it
The ‘Stute is mine, don't ever doubt
Doc what about is all this fuss?
Nurse C. to E.R. just becuz
You’re dating her from time to
Oh yeah, we know about your crime
Her pain is not of a physical
But more of your going Dutch
The pain’s for real for the Nurse
The pain is in her empty purse!
Quick message to his Royalty
Am trying to solve your mystery
But for now I’ve got to hide
Cuz Elmer Fudd is outside!
Fudd's in charge?
You've gotta be jokin'!
After all that weed
that he's tokin'?
Cratchet OD'd?
What an absurdity!
Let's beat this joint
and spare the eternity!
Andrew, still cookin'?
That's just what we need!
Cook up a bar-melt
so we'll all be freed!
I had seen Cratchet
and thought she was fine
but I had just guzzled
five bottles of wine!
Shhhh, don't tell no-one,
but there is a feller
who cooks just like Andrew
and has a wine cellar!
Well, back to the point
(if you are still followin')
while Cratchet is wacko
let's quit all this wallowin'
in the small details
of how this could happen--
Let's storm the big door
and get these feet tappin'!
Andrew, dear chef,
cook up a bar melter!
Quick 'fore the Moose comes,
let's jet, helter skelter!
-JT, that's me
Cwazy bunch of "Stutie
Agowaphobes in stwaight white
No wonder you're wocked up in here
'Till they fix what's wrong between your ears!
Still this pwace is pwetty nice
Twied to get in once or twice
Onwy Doc wouldnt wet me in
Persistentwy I twied again
Many times I came weal cwose
Eventualwy an overdose
I weft for Cwatchit in Doc's bwack
Amphetamines and stweet gwade skag
Mighty stwong that nasty stuff
Dwopped her wight down on her duff
And though Doc saved her Justin
For now the Institute is mine
Unless there's one among this
Dat's not too far out to wunch
Disposed of mind to chalwenge me
(I guess I'll have to wait
and see )
Justin Nuendo runs rampant these
In addition he'd rather subtract
A math wiz he is, like nobody's biz
But the poor boy just don't have the
One minute he's up, the next one
he's down
Like a fast moving internet stock
Just like one two three, he thought
Cratchit and me
Were re-setting each other's clocks
Well I'm here to deny, that rumor
won't fly
No matter how big it's wings
And Justin Nuendo can count on his
big toe
How much credence his story will
Now when things don't add up, it's
'cause you're all sick pups
And that's why they put you in here
Is one and two four? though there's
rumors galore
Only Vinny will lend you an ear
You may scoff with derision, or do
long division
To sum, it's no sweat off my spud
I'll save my munitions, for a much
bigger mission
I'm off to do battle with Fudd!!!
Hey YOU! Ya YOU! Ya little spud
I'm talkin' to YOU! Elmer P. Fudd
Now listen up potato head
The King of the 'Stute you should
So ya think you're now in charge of
the 'Stute?
I'm ready for war you stutterin' coot
I'm armed with crayons... the Big Box
And Norman Rockwells' soxs most
I've got a peeler and slicer
An Acme masher and dicer
So think not you can rule the East
wing hall
Cause I'll make hash-browns out of
you for all!
I am the one true King of the 'Stute
Mess with me for pain you can't
I'll cook you down, that's what I'll
And make Fudd spud chowder goo-stew
The only way you'll be loved by us
Is when I serve you up in the
'Stute's mess hall.
..... So come cook with me if you
Andrew buddy
give up the stew
come meet me
at the pub
there will be
lots to do.
This bartender
can't tell
heads from tails
can you try Sir.
Can you make
a Dozzie?
I want to fly!
Can you make
a Dozzie
to reach me
to the sky?
Tell me yes
and to the pub
with success.
Oh all the Saint who can help me out
Nurse Crachet’s gone, without a
Walked right out the E.R
Once outside stole a car
Took off without her brain
Now she’s almost as Justin Sayne
As we normally are
Maybe she took off to a bar
Oops, maybe she’s heard of the
Corner Pub
That should get her spirit up
Hope she’s not getting drunk
Makes her gas smell like a skunk
And she’ll go back to the times
Being a cheerleader, ya know...the
good old times
Hope she’ll get lost in the fog
Or drown this no-brain in some
There’s no telling what’ll happen
Before ya know it, she’ll use it as
a pretext
To know everything she always wanted
to know about eggs
AHHHHH I fear the day of tomorrow!
I'm dumping this stew
I'm headed for the bar
Takin' Doctor Moose
We're stealin' the 'Stute's car
Nurse C says she's there
Diggin' the great tunes
We're makin a road trip
How 'bout the rest of you loons?
A road trip! Well I'm in
Get me drunk and make me grin
Show me things I've never seen
Take me places I've never been
Load up the car and let's be off
Though the Justin's now do scoff
They do not think the nursey dear
Would let them out and this they
So let's go drink, here's one to you
Oh, please forget that horrid stew
I'd rather drink and make my nose
Red like my cheeks and like a rose
Fill me up and let me fall
Tomorrow I'll forget it all
So let's be off and have some fun
Hurry before it all is done!!
Nurse Crachet Is Free
I touched an edge
of universal distance
I walked a tightrope
blindfolded to the end
I christened internal organs
short circuiting my brain
I break my chain
turn and run for desires
I am free from locked doors
open to delight in sanity
Gone but not forgotten,
I know you all loved
this Nursey Poo,
but now she got
things to do.
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