Dearest Emily


Nurse Crachet


Oh, my dearest Emily

Andrew cooked you into his stew

now I shall cook up a brew for you,

after I break the news to the family.


How could you be so cruel

you wanted to please those Justin's kind

so you cooked the wrong Crachet's hind

now you shall be in for a real duel


Tears dampen the floor

their feet prance on each day

believe me I shall find a way

to make all of you pay and more.


Don't look over your shoulder

because I might be the B**** you see

and what is it I hold you see,

is the serum shot into your shoulder.


You have all cooked your goose

and I'm gonna be sure you pay

no more will there be a happy day

till I have all your heads in a noose.



Justin Nuendo


Oh please, Nurse Crachet, don’t gimme a cuff

we meant no harm, ‘twas Justine Uff

to chase away the mist of the opium

and ya got to admit, she tasted good with some rum!

Ya never really wanted to be part of a twin

ya told me once she stole your heroine

so we did ya a favor Justin Kase

to spare ya from any more disgrace

But please have mercy on our good King

ya must admit, he’s a cute looking thing

I’m glad I caught ya Justin Thyme

to prevent ya commit a terrible crime

No need to blush or feel any shame

let's say ‘twas a case of temporary Justin Sayne



Mwahahahahahahahaha Oops, Sorry Nurse Crachet!

Had a visit from Doctor Mooose....Justa Minut ago



Justine Uff


Justin Nuendo's 'round the 'Stute

With Dr Moose a tryst to boot

Nurse Crachet will not like that much

For they've been dating, going Dutch..(hehe)

Now we'll see who's in the stew

I'd watch out if I were you.....



Andrew Scott


You say I cooked the wrong Crachet!

That Emily had the hatchet!

Nurse C's sister I cooked instead!


Dang! But that is justin polite

I think she did it justin spite

My stew ruined by mystery head.


Now who's gonna eat this here slop?

Without Nurse C dinner's a flop!

I don't see how it can be saved.


Why looky here! It's Elmer Fudd

He looks to me a tasty spud

See, no peeling… his head pre-shaved!


Oh, I'll cook him up Justin Thyme

For everyone to sit and dine

This other swill we'll do without!


Not fit says I for beast or man

Perhaps I'll send Nurse C a can

She'll just love it, there is no doubt!


Once I heard those sisters talking

In the kitchen they were squawking

Nurse C said "I can eat more than you."


Can't say who came out the winner

But tonight Nurse Crachet's dinner

Will prove her statement to be true.


Bon Appetite!




PS. Unless you are a trained professional with an

Epicurean Degree from the 'Stute of Cooking

please do not try these recipes at home. Gross

misuse of Fudd or Cratchet can lead too serious

health problems with severe cases leading to brain

damage, irreversible insanity, and hair loss. And

always remember: Food is our friend, and we're

happy when we're eating! Chao.


The Crayon King!



Justin Nuendo


Woohoo The Crayon King is back!

Where did ya hide this pre-shaved head?

By the way pleased to meet you

I’m the Stute’s latest weird dude

At your service! Bet that made ya glad!


Ya better watch out for Nurse C

I spied on her having a pee

Quickly turned of the light

So she had no clear sight

Made her pee on her Big Toe, ya see.


Now she’s even madder than Hell

Trying to curse us all with a spell

Which of course will return

Like a b(r)oomerang on her

Don’t ya love this hair-raising yell!


Ah, Justin Thyme for supper! This Is Justin

Credible good ya know and Justine Uff

for all of us Wow, Justin Sayne, I

found the ears! Save ‘em for Vince!

Pass me the eyes please?





Why... all of you should be ashamed!

To take too many pills is not fun and games!

Though my bag I may have left behind

Most of you now are quite out of your minds!


Of course then again, that's why you're here

Where Vinny will always lend you an ear

But try to calm down, a little at least

And Andrew, on Cratchet you really shouldn't feast


Things should get to "normal" in a day or two

By the way what's for dinner, did someone say stew?



Andrew Scott


A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet

But the wrong Crachet in the stew is a foul smelling meat

Nurse C I would not have taken your sister had I known

That the one with the hatchet was no more than your clone

I have the highest standards when I prepare a fine meal

Next time I make Crachet stew I'll check for the FDA seal



Nurse Crachet


Dearest Andrew

maker of stew brew

you are the master

your gonna go faster

cause if I catch you

you'll get your due.





Something here just isn't right

I only left for a couple of nights

But on my return this place is a mess




Justin Nuendo


I’m cumming forward, I’m an honest Dude

That’s why me Dad threw me into this Stute

When Nurse C took off to her floating sphere

Some sort of substitute arrived over here

He poked, provoked and almost choked us

I was half on my way becoming a corpus

I fought my way back out of my shroud

Ya should have seen it, ya would have been proud!

So I took your med and tucked him away

Just to have some quiet for a couple of days

I didn’t harm him, I wouldn’t dare

Just gave him a tiny bit of a scare

Feeding him herring with whipped cream

And ya know what, he never even screamed!

Though his eyes are now somewhat bulgy

As if he’s got some weird allergy

Please don’t be mad and poke me brain tonite

I’ve seen outer limits and don’t feel like the twilight

I’ll be a good Dude, only wanted to see

If he’d like my newest recipe



Andrew Scott


Hey Justin - N

What cha cookin

In that big pot?


Looks alien

From this kitchen

How much ya got?


Enough for three?

Moose, you and me?

Hey! I've got stew!


My recipe?

A mystery!

This head? No clue.



Nurse Crachet


How can you eat at a time like this?

Please tell me what did I miss?

Who is this person cooked into a stew?

It must be the one and only ONE FLEW!

Yet why would I say it was my sister

did she come visit and I missed her?

Oh my, I'm so lost and confused

I feel like my mind has been abused.

Is today the day Andrew gets new crayons?

Why can't I seem to remember any plans?



Justin Nuendo


Oh dear, Crachet ya found yar heroine

thought ‘twas down the drain

However did ya get yar hands on it?

or is that cocaine runnin thru your brain?


This is it, Oh Great Crayon King!

a once in a life time chance!

Got ya crayons in all colors

Hey, never before saw ya dance!?!


Btw, anyone seen my l'ttle bro'?

haven't seen him for awhile

He's ‘bout 6.2”, great big ears,

head's shaved and a gorgeous smile.



Vincent VanGogh


I was only gone a week by golly,

What the heck is all this folly.

Why would you want to cook that nurse?

What danger lurks behind this verse?


Surely you wouldn't want to eat her,

Why not just tie her up and beat her?

Such anxiety lurking here -

I should cut off my other ear!


Ah, but then I know what you would do,

We'd all be eating "Vinny Stew"


Who let you in the kitchen anyway?





Andrew Scott


To Nurse C…


Slipped into my kitchen

For a taste of the sauce

Now your brains all fuzzy

Your words are at a loss


You can't make heads nor tails

Of who is in the stew

You say not Emily

And I doubt it's One Flew


Now let us ponder this

Justin who's head can this be?

Floating in my crock pot

Like drift wood on the sea


Could it be Elmer Fudd?

Or Vince the painter dear?

Nope! This be the wrong spud

With one to many ears


I'm sure its not Doc Moose

There be no antlers found

And if this were Rockwell

It wouldn't weigh a pound (airhead that he is)


Could it be Justin Tyme?

Let's check it Justin Kase

Hmmm… Kind of taste like slime

And that ain't the right face


Were I to make guess

I'd say it wasn't me

For this head has no eyes

And I can surly see


So who's in this here pot?

Who's this John or Jane Doe?

Just give me the facts mamm

Not Justin Nuendo


I have a need to know!

What is this mystery meat?

Which garnish do I use?

Should I use hands or feet?


Please do not hesitate

I need your answer fast

Cause dinner's served at six

And already its half-past!



Nurse Crachet


I couldn’t take it any more

so slowly I opened up your door

and there sat upon the table

I didn't even read the label

just popped those tiny pills

I couldn’t climb anymore hills.

Then it all happened so quickly

I began to feel very sickly

so I disappeared to my hideaway

only to awake covered in hay.

What are these pills, what do they do?

For how long I was gone I have no clue.





As Alice, Cratchet, you've found out

Just what these pills are all about

Some are large and some are small

But no way should you take them all!


To the E-room with you very quick

Your pulse is low, you are quite sick

And to get you o'er the hump

Your stomach we will have to pump!



Justin Thyme


I guess that I am Justin Thyme

to tell you dear Cratchet's fine!

I saw her in the office space

where I was trying to erase

the 'Stute's computer records which

keep us all here! But then the bit**

she scared me, wow, I must confess!

She jumped out from behind the desk

and screamed, "GET OUT! You crazy nut!

Before I kick your little butt!"


I jumped about a foot or two

and landed smack upon her shoe.

She yelped so loud, it made me shake

for 'bout an hour, for goodNess sake!

My point is this, the dope wore off

and Cratchet's back, so do not scoff!

Beware, my friends, and watch your ass!

Nurse Cratchet's got the Wacky Gas!



-Justin Thyme

aka Leonardo DaVinci

Artiste Extraordinaire







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