There Once Was a Family of Brothers....
There once was a family of
There once was a family of
aunts, uncles and various others;
They wrote some fun stuff,
(although some had enough),
they would write despite all others
See, none of these guys were
though they claimed their relation
by same names and the like, though
the fact that they're psycho,
kept them in the 'Stute, some
Justin Kace was the brother of
and they thought they were first
borns to rhyme!
They wrote and they posted
on a board that was hosted
by Ron, the webmaster, sublime.
And then other Justins, they
and in silly rhyming they
They told tales much in sync
but they never did think
that the truth of their stories
was swallowed.
The clan of the Justins grew
with each one that was added, much
Credible, Sayne,
Thyme, Kace, they did reign,
and then Ebriated came with his
Most all of these Justins resided
in a 'Stute with straight jackets
Nurse Cratchet was there
Doctor Moose and Bugs Hare
and additional Loonies (lopsided).
This 'Stute thing got quite outa
more than the first Justins had
Cartoons came in nuts
and were thrown on their butts
until most animations were canned!
The webmaster, Ron, was confused!
Had his board membership been
All e-mails submitted,
verified and transmitted,
were valid which left him bemused.
Who WERE all these nut Justin
Were they poets or sick social
Were these poetic 'Stuters
on Nurse Cratchet's 'puters?
Or were they just Passion
In conclusion, I truly implore
are the Justins for real? Are
there more?
Are we finished with 'Stuters
who play on computers
like kids in a big candy store?
I ask you how this family
can include someone sane such as
Writing's S'POSED to be serious,
not an imperious
flamboyant display of whoopee!
I'll tell you a secret, dear
One day all of this nonsense will
These Justins tell lies
(are these Justins all *guys*?)
One day you will soon comprehend!
One day they'll be Justin
and identities soon annotated.
Until then, I guess,
we'll read rhymes that attest
that these 'Stute poems are much overrated!
Silly? ummm... yep.... so wanna
join us in
the 'Stute? There's room for one
yours sincerely,
Justin Thyme aka Leonardo DaVinci
Artiste Extraordinaire
They are all Justin Sayne at the
That's a fact you can nary refute
If you see Justin Thyme
He'll be penning new rhyme
Justin Kace Crachet gives him the
He'll then be DaVinci and paint
Mona Lisa would fall down and faint
She'll frown 'stead of smile
Wondering all of the while
Justin Thyme he now says he ain't
Crachet's still chasing the Moose
For somebody let him run loose
She'll catch him some day
And she'll have her way
And then he will be a cooked
Justin Kace you thought we're not
all brothers
I assure you we all have like
Our moms Justin Sisters you see
All brothers and cousins to me
Justin Bred, the 'Stute's got some
Justin Bred thinks I am Justin
Justin Kace in the 'Stute I
should feign
To have had Justine Uff
Of Justin Credible's stuff
He's Justin Interminable pain!!
Oh I can attest
Justins under test
Share similar D N A strands
They each have six toes
A crooked hook nose
And have some real oversized glands
I must also say
That the Justin way
Comes from a unique genetic pool
For one who lays claim
To the famed Justin name
Must be a hereditary fool
So if not brothers
At least same mothers
This clownish clan of Justins be
But it doesn't explain
With my Andrew Scott name
Why they act and look just like me
Andrew, it was Justin Sisters
who insisted you were kin...
like my brother, Justin Kace said,
and we're glad they let you in!
You're a Psycho! You belong here!
You're a NUTSO! You are ODD!
You're not Justin Timidated
by the 'Stute, you're not, thank God!
I guess we like your silly rhyming
and we think we'll let you stay,
but, dear friend, you sure don't look
any Justin! Nope! No way!
In fact, you look a bit familiar,
like that Wyeth painter dude.
Justin Kace, watch out! Don't spill
paint on Cratchet! She gets rude!
Justin T.
Intimidated Not!
For I am Andrew Scott
Crayon King of the 'Stute
I rule the whole East wing
Hot wax and gas my thing
Unlike that Wyeth coot
That other Andrew dude
His art is just so crude
Painting with his digits
I think I'll brew some gel
And send it to his cell
To cook that artistic midget
As for our dear Nurse C
Just look in the pantry
I've cooked a special brew
Something that really sticks
With glow in the night kicks
White phosphorous goo-stew
So stop by the kitchen
Should Nurse C start bitchin
I've got ladle in hand
I'll serve her a bowl full
That spills something awful
And fry her where she stands
Love & Kisses from Andrew
Scott… aka Crayon King –
Monkey Boy - The Napalm Kid (damn
but its getting
crowded in here), but ya doesn't
have to call me Wyeth…
cause he's a finger painter… no
imagination that boy…
just paints fingers all day long…
He's got no fire!
No spark! Couldn't ignite a match with an acetylene
torch! Me on the other hand… Just give me two
crayons – paintbrushes
- dynamite - whatever! And
we're in business! I'll
light up your life and the whole
dang 'Stute to boot!
So, no more of this Wyeth stuff
cus I gotta get back to the kitchens before my
latest batch starts to
go solid.
Andrew, you made phosphorous
OMIGOODNESS, sir, did anybody knew?
Damn... I mean, did anybody know?
And we'll all get to watch Cratchet
Yippee! Hurray! Oh what a day!
I can't tell you how happy I am!
A Wyeth you ain't!
No, sir, you're a Saint!
Gonna go find the 'Stute's mini-cam!
HaHa! HeeHee! This sure is fun!
You're the Crayon King, indeed, my
dear friend!
I'll stand on the side
and I'll tape the whole ride,
'til she falls on her big fat rear
Film at 11.
Justin Thyme aka
Leonardo DaVinci
Artiste Extraordinaire!
I'll never call you Wyeth again,
if I do, confiscate my blue pen.
It was Justin Indication
of my evening's elation--
don't know where I am, why, what or
This 'Stute makes me often see
and then when I do, I'm in trouble!
Andrew here, Andrew there,
but what do I care?
Pretty soon, Cratchet boils in a bubble!
I am the Crayon King
Over the 'Stute I reign
Hot wax and sticky gas I brew
Elevated to Saint
Cause Andrew Wyeth I ain't
And I make a damn fine goo-stew
Do not fret Justin friend
For you did not offend
My hide is much tougher than that
As for boiling Nurse C
Just put your trust in me
And my fifty-five gallon vat
I'll cook her up just fine
For me and Justin Thyme
Dinner to be served at seven
There's sure to be plenty
Bring the whole family
Cooked Cratchet! A slice of
Mmmm...Mmmm...Mmmm... Good!
Hey Vince!... I saved you an ear.
Norman... You get the toes.
Got here Justin Thyme
to make my own rhyme
I know it seems Justin Sayne
Nurse Crachet as stew?
and nobody knew?
could smell it a mile from here!
How 'bout Doctor Moose
stuffed him like a goose?
when are we having supper!
Justin N
Hey, Nuendo! Nice to see ya!
You're in the 'Stute and they won't
free ya!?
Welcome to our humble prison!
From these walls, nonsense is risen.
How'd they catch you? Were you bad?
Did they probe the mind you had?
When I got here, I was tackled--
probed and prodded, quickly shackled!
Did they do the same to you?
Did they poke you 'cause you're new?
Did they zap you in the head?
Did they tie you to the bed?
Sometimes 'Stute life is a nightmare,
like when they turn out the light
you are trying to take a leak
and then you miss and really freak
and then they come to find you
like a Saint who has been sinning
and they think you've flipped your
since it's funny what you did
'cause the lights were out and ergo
you just missed and peed your big
No, I don't mean Toe, our good
"Normal Rockwell", I will
What I really mean, dear cousin,
is that Cratchet's often fussin'
'bout how things go on 'round here
Andrew soon will kick her rear end!
glad you're in the 'Stute with me!
Keep your hat on, watch your back!
Some aren't friendly, they attack!
If they catch you naked-headed,
they might soon shoot double-leaded
potions in your veins and then
they'll soon ZAP your bare noggin...
Careful, when the 'Stute you log in!
Soon they'll get you in Nuendo
Stand up straight, protect, defend...
welcome cousin, but beware
and make sure you hat your hair!
-Justin Thyme
aka Leonardo DaVinci
Artiste Extraordinaire
Watch out for that Justin Nuendo
He never says just what is so
His words have a twist
So you're likely to miss
The true meaning you may never
I think he is Justin Stigator
I'll watch closely and tell you
all later.
If his words are implied
Then it can't be denied
InNuendo's true name's Justin
The ‘Stute! The ‘Stute!
That’s how they call this place?
Oh Dear! Oh my!
*Falling flat on my face*
(Darn, now I lost my hat, or was
that my head?)
Thought this was a castle,
Surely read it somewhere
Free food and a bed!
NOT hotel "Lobto"
Wait ‘til I get my hand on my Dad!!
Get me out of here, PLEASE,
Before they damage my brain,
I love all this sawdust,
I know that’s Justin Sayne!
I do have some brain cells left on
the right
Sayne, my cousin, so glad you’re
For a minute I thought I had to
You with some Nurse Cratchet stew,
Which had made ya glow like the brew
But handy for a pee in the night!
Thyme, introduce me to King Andrew
I’ve heard he’s made Nurse Crachet
real hot!
And since I’m here, I might as well
Take her of that stove, she’s
starting to smell!
Or was that your new perfume
"Cratchet Delight"??
Got to go, before they sedate me
I hear Moose coming around the bend
And I really wanna stay up tonight
To see Andrew kick Crachtet’s rear
Will she glow or just fall apart?
Justin N.
P.S. It was Justin Credible! Found
an ear in my
soup last night. Saved it for ya
Twiddley dee, and twiddley da,
did you think you'd get me
You've cooked the wrong Crachet
that was my twin carrying the
Now how do I explain to the
that they've lost there dear
Andrew you bumbling fool
how could you be so cruel?
I gave those crayons to you
and now look what you go and do!
I'm Justin Thyme to get Justin Kase,
It's Justin Credible, it's Justin
King fool, you sot!
(Royal apology Sir)
'T was the wrong Crachet in the pot!
Better find her broom, so she can't
fly tonight,
'cause I'm tied up in bed and have
nowhere to hide!
ARGHHHHH...there's Doc Moose, eager
to poke my brain to death!
No, no, I'm NOT Justin Nuendo, I'm
Justin Bed!
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