Where Did Our Jinn Go?


Lady in Red


My King, I caught it, we are blessed

The spell can be broken at last

I could cry of pure happiness

The magic yell lays in my hand


What to do with this Syllable

Will Jeannie’s manuscript explain?

The Silly-bus available?

Where’s Jeannie? Behind the curtain?


Doc Moose! Doc Moose! She disappeared!

Where is Jinn? Where did he sent her?

Tinkerbell, we need your help dear

How do we get to this tower?


My dear King, I do need a break

Perhaps in a room with a view?

Play a good game of hide-and-seek?

Until the crayons need renewed?


No, we better find our Jeannie

She knows the secret of the spell

Without her powers and lonely

She needs our Moose and Tinkerbell


Lady in Red







Lady, Lady, Lady,

what can we do?

I admit

I didn't like

the Jinn at first

but now she's grown

on me.

Lady, Lady, Lady,

what can we do?





The mysterious Lynx

looks somewhat like a cat

We have seen it before

and once prior to that


It just keeps showing up

on the bottom of posts

And then winks it's green eyes

if we're looking real close


There is something this means

what it is we're not sure

This curious fellow

one more test will endure


We will follow this lynx

and see what gets produced

Curiosity means

quite a lot to a Moose


And un-like a feline

we have nothing to fear

It goes without saying

though the message is clear


One of six silly bulls

is quite positive that

If we follow the lynx

we'll once more see the cat





This place is way too drab me-thinks

could use a splash of Red or pink

Cerulean blue or Forest Green

or maybe Andrew and his queen


I'm not quite sure of where this is

along the way to see the "Wiz"

But what a dump, if you get my meaning

it sure could use a good spring cleaning


The sky is all bleak, the land all brown

Bunkers and hangers, what a strange town

Oops! It's some kind of base, and those guys have got guns

Oh man! Justin Kace! It's area Fifty-One!


There's Sculder and Mully, and they've got One Flew!

If the truth is out there, what are we gonna do?

I recommend we all stay on the bus

that is ( 'less of course ) they start shootin' at us!


Where is that Jinn? I could use a stiff drink

And some help out of this one, that's what I think!



Andrew Scott


I went to get some jelly beans

Did I miss any of the show?

What do you mean the Wizard dead?

Where is Jeannie? I just don't know.


What is that sound that I do hear?

Man but that's one harsh caterwaul

Yet nothing like a jelly bean

Stuffed in each ear to silence all


Now that's better, what' that you say?

Justin's toe is fake and it smells!

No! you say… take the jelly out

Oh… Jinn knows how to break such spells!


I haven't seen her anywhere

By chance did you check the bottles

In the back of the Moose-cle car

The empties by James & Bartles


Hey Moose… stop playing with that cat

It's time to go looking for Jinn

Red you check the whisky and scotch

While I search these empties of gin


Well now we've checked all these bottles

And we've yet to find our Jeannie!

Damn but that Wizard Villanelle

He sure was one mean old weenie!


Yo Doc… where are we heading too?

And say what's with the green eyed Lynx

Tinks lookin' quite nervous my friend

That cat be stalking lunch, me thinks.


Say hey Doc Moose… Where are we now?

Sign says "Area Fifty-One!"

Talk about a drab color scheme

And to many guys with big guns


I can't believe Jeannie is here?

And if this is the shade of truth

I'll drink a six pack of near beer

And a bottle of bad vermouth


I think you better hit the gas

Before we hear the ping of lead

Oh and Moose you need to hold still

Red… smack that bee on Doc's head





Purr, Purr,

Meow, meow,

Purr, Purr,

Meow, meow,

Meow, meow.





Awea fifty-wun?

Can I bwing my gun?

Wascals are gween

Open fire, save the Queen!


Shhh... I'm twying to twack them down

Take some pwisoners, wook out you cwowns

Intewwogate them, until they wet swip

Confess you cwitters, is this your first twip?


A tewwible thing, it's worse than I thought

While we were sweeping, the Justins were brought

In "this " and in "that ", they snuck 'em down here

Even got past, that old Balwadeer


Now they're all over, that's Justin Novation

Standing next to their weader, the gweat Justin Vasion



Andrew Scott


My Lady Red check out that cat

I think it said "I'm where it's at."

Do you rap cat? My Lady Red

Can you two chat? Am I misled?


The cat, the cat… that green eyed lynx

Well look at that! Morris Code winks!

The lynx me thinks is more than that

To make such blinks takes no mere cat!


First letter "J" Next comes an "I"

What's that you say with blinking eye

An "N" says I… followed by way

An "N" that's bi… lets spell away!


J - I - N - N…Here's what me thinks!

If I'm readin' each of these blinks

That this here lynx does like her gin!

I'll pour the drinks… You look for Jinn.


Why Fudd you spud, how nice of you to join our merry

group here at Area 51. You should feel right at home.

Please do me and the crew a favor while we look for Jinn

and I pour these drinks… keep those men with guns at

bay. That's a good chap… Now how do you like your

martini? Shaken, not stirred. Nice call Fudd… I see you

have some culture about you. Vodka! Oh most certainly

for a man of your breeding. Here, please pass this up to

Doc Moose… I heard him asking for a stiff one earlier.

Hey… did you know this cat can blink Morris Code?

Watch…. M - O - R - E … V - E - R - M - O - O - T - H.

Why certainly by dear feline one. My dear Lady

Red… your Shirley Temple.













Now look what you've done

Over-looked just one thing

With the Jinn all messed up

What good is my ring?


Even de-coders, can't help us now

'R-hic over there, is about to blow chow

Elmer's all hammered, and don't care for me much

I'm beginning to think, you may have lost touch


Never give Jeannie, more than one drink

Found that out myself, you don't know what she'll blink

Or for that matter, Fudd, he's a real mean drunk

Really thought you knew better, or show I had thunk


I'm sure that in Thyme, they will both shober up

Try not to laugh, you keep mishing my cup

An thas one teenie mar-tasty, if you knowwat ahmeen

Nuff of that in yur gullet'll ror out yur schpleen


Did I ever tell ya 'bout them daysh innastute?

Reel nishe plaish, fulla artishts an fruitss

Everywun theresh shumkinda nuts

Whens we get outta thish, youshkinol kishmabut


Reel nishe plais




















What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?










Justin Sayne


All of this is Justin Sayne

A Jeannie in a Cat

You're Shirley Jesting once again

That's what I think of that!


Just when you think you've found this dame

It's Justine Uff, a ruse

Now look again - A brand new game

Nevertheless confused.....






















Lady in Red


Andrew, all the bottles are checked

No Jinn there I can say for sure

Unless I drank her, then she’s wrecked

Hic-hic now I’ll never be cured!


Sorry Doc, didn’t mean to hit

You this hard on your double head

This bee was surely gonna lit

Your nose as Rudolf, yes bright red!


Although I like that colour much

Did not want you to change into

A Moose on fire, that’d be too much

Hey a kitty! How d’ye do ?


Argh this cat has four blinking eyes

If I close one eye I can see

JinnCat -CatJinn? No I don’t lie

There’s Jinn in that cat! Set her free!


Why is everybody moving?

Are we going to swing and sway?

What’s that ‘Drew? You’re not approving?

Me drinking these Shirleys away?


Yoo Crayon King, I never knew

You had a twin brother. That’s swell!

Now Crachet can have half of you

She will be one happy damsel!


Uhh, where did she go anyway?

Disappeared into Fifty-One?

She’s an alien nowadays?

Now I’ve got her a man she’s gone?


What did I hear between my drinks?

Doc a ring for Jinn you did bring?

The one to chain and coutersink?

Or is that your heart I hear sing?


Hehe I hear your wedding bells

Or is that Mister Fudd singing?

An awful noise, that I can tell

Or is it the Cat/Jinn purring?


Yes please, pour me another glass

These drinks are tasting mighty fine

You know you’re looking mighty dash

And I never felt so divine *HIC*


Oh dear ‘Drew, I think I can fly

Or is that ONE FLEW flying me?

Yeek! Why’s that UFO flying by?

And Crachet on the steering wheel?


Justin Nuendo get off that cat!

It’s no horse you see, it’s our Jinn

If you would like to do combat

Why don’t you try our Cheshire Grin?


Does anyone know where we are?

And can we drive this Silly-bus?

Where do we go next? Delaware?

Or find this manuscript rebus?


Lady in Red






To bring forth the decanter, I'll have to return

Enough idle banter, respect must be earned

That none may supplant her, this is my concern


The Villanelle's chants in memory burned

Off coast of France, for a time I sojourned

To bring forth the decanter, I'll have to return


A repetitive glance, may retrieve what was spurned

How-ever askance the motives which churned

That none may supplant her, this is my concern


Round topic to dance, six stanzas I've learned

Persistance may grant, your master interned

To bring forth the decanter, I'll have to return


I'll leave nothing to chance, no stone un-turned

Such is my stance, with fervor discerned

That none may supplant her, this is my concern


I've got Jeannie's manse, to space-craft I adjourn

Aliens left entranced, be "Fuddled" in turn

To bring forth the decanter, I'll have to return

That none may supplant her, this is my concern










PURRhe'sjustamanPURRandI'vehadsomanyPURRmen beforePURRinverymanywaysPURR











PURRIneverthoughtI'dcometothisPURRwhat's it all about?PURR







Nurse Crachet


Stop the bus, stop the bus

I've been hitching for miles

why did you leave so fast?

I had to use the ladies room

came out and the bus is gone.

Got a ride by a dead head freak

said he was following them

everywhere they go on tour.

Then I got arrested somewhere

they thought I was a prostitute

cause I was on the street corner.

Can you imagine that me arrested

well, even though I found a ride here

he was crazy too, into body art.

Why does it sound like Juliet is tipsy

has she been drinking Andrew?

What's with this cat following me

is it hungry or something, who's is it?

I feel like I am in another galaxy,

what has happened here?

What is Juliet trying to say about a man?

I can't understand a word out of her mouth

please stop drenching her in that stuff!

Where is the bag lady,

I mean bottle lady?



Willy Honker


Hey dudes what cha all up too?

I was hoping you'd stop soon

I've been following for awhile

actually since two towns back.

I drove that hitchhiker dame

she's quite the interesting lady

looked at me like I were alien

thought she was gonna bail

right out the door at sixty miles.

So where ya all go'in these days,

crus'in the highway to somewhere?

Hey, I know a cool bed & breakfast

just up the road a bit on the left

was gonna go stay there myself.

Are ya all destined to do the town,

take in a few bars, do some danc'in?

I'd love to tag with ya, if you'd have me,

I know these parts pretty well myself

wanna catch a few hamburger joints?





Often in my ignorance

Far from what's intended

Impressions may be given

Not so easily defended


Though I search for all the right words

Explanation's overdue

Never for an instant

Thought that I had mis-lead you


Most profound apologies

In another incarnation

Such as we view reality

Can you accept my limitations


Only in this refuge

Non-dependant on what's real

Should I express emotions

Take them not as how I feel


Reserved from this another life

Un-imaginative exists

Each must determine their own way

Depending on plot twists





All in fun we all do play

twists and turns of words

journey us on our way.

A character to a fun plot

following close day by day.

Never in a moment misled

always just reeling in fun

as the lines are being fed.

The Stute designs a journey

for which we play our game

fun and insanity to be read.





Transporter engaged, return sequence lit

Right on the money, Captain Cratchit

You performed like a pro, and I've seen quite a few

Tinkerbell says, that's the last of the crew


One more thing to be done, let's beam up the "Bus"

Should be room in sick bay, where the Jinn will meet us

There's been some confusion, but Ithink it's all fixed

An out-break of emotions, when some signals got mixed


You'd think that by now, we'd have heard from the "Wiz"

Founder of Passions, the one place there is

One with moose antlers, in a state of confusion

Convinced by you all, to join in your delusions


UFO's and aliens

Surreptitiously normal, once more we begin

Everyone here's got some big time dis-orders

Don't delay Captain Cratchet, let's cross that state border!!!!



Willy Honker


Hey, now man

how can that there fine lady

be navigating a space ship?

What have you been drinking

in this here glass?

Some fine cognac smells like to me,

now you know too many of those

and you be hallucinating.

I see such the fine lady

sitting right here on this bus,

now what cha say your name was?

That's what I thought

You’re my lady hitchhiker,

never miss a pretty face.

Now what's with all these people

seeing things goin on around here,

glad I showed up when I did,

you all need help and I'm the one

to give you some.


Hey, kitty, kitty come on over here

come see good ole Willy boy

I gather this kitty's one of them

stuck up breed,

to good for their own litter box.

Now who here is driving this bus

cause from what I reckon

they're not one of you fit to drive

in this here bus'in buggy,

so here's the deal I'll drive us

to wherever it is your heading too

as long as I get some fair time

with that fine lady Nurse Crachet.

I'll scratch your backs

if you'll scratch Willy boy's,

sounds fair too me

what do all you think about that?

Who's this Jeannie lady

you all talk of, sounds inviting?





Jeannie kitty jumps in Willy's lap

and starts licking all over his face

he tries hard to shoo the kitty away

she digs in her claws as he yells.





To answer all those questions Willy, we'd have to write a book

I've time for one brief session, so let's just have a look

You already know of some of us, if you've been following along

Welcome aboard the Silly-Bus, it's meaning is two-pronged

We use it as a transport, to get from place to place

But it's also the sacred document, which contains both time and space

And speaking of space (as you well know), it's been around for years

T'was Justin Kace who told me so, that it's between my ears

We're on a quest to find the "Wiz",who's rumored to exist

Somewhere in the "Real World ", beyond the "Screens of Mist "

We know his name, they call him Ron, he built the Passions site

Though he may be aware, of our little game, he stays out of the spot-light

And so we roam the cyber-realms, the purpose of our mission

To boldly go where none have gone, and bring him recognition .


Bridge to engineering, secure the Silly-Bus

Have Willy report to sick-bay, to make sure he's one of us

Set co-ordinates for Michigan, prepare the warp drive Mr. Scott

The helms all yours there Cratchet, let's see what she's got

With luck we'll soon have wrapped this up, I miss the Institute

My comfy room with rubber walls, and starched white leisure suit

It's fine Corinthian leather, stitched by Ricardo Montalban

The next place that I'm heading for, after we've seen Ron!





The three parts of a trilogy

have led a merry chase

With no fore-gone conclusions

we've sojourned from place to place


Begun with but one title

"You Can Ron But You Can't Hide "

I'd like to thank each one of you

It's been a wild ride!


As we approach our destination

I'd like to share a thought

Perhaps in some small manner

we'll leave with more than what we brought


An idle flight of fancy

took a life on all it's own

To the state of mass confusion

with delusions quite full-blown


Through it all we kept the thread

without intervention

Should you chance upon this writing Ron

may we please have your attention?


I think I speak for all of us

but I may not have a clue

Etched somewhere in the memory banks

are two big words ... THANK YOU!







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