Area Fifty-One


Justin Nuendo


Okay Willy, it seems it’s up to you and me

What a mess they got their selves into!

*Throwing unconscious Crayon King over my shoulder*

Holy Moose, King! All this booze will kill you!

Not to mention my back! Is that lead in your shoes?


Willy, you help Lady in Red

Be careful, she’s a bit fuddled

With all those Shirley’s that no wonder

And no doubt she’s also a bit muddled

No, no Willy, this ain’t no time for a cuddle!


Crachet please let me help you

You look a bit pale, not getting sick my dear?

I know you’re still in shock from Vegas

Too much muscle at the same time I fear

Come on Nursy, into that bus, be a dear.


Get over here, I need yar help

Moose won’t let go of this decanter

He seems to think it’s a decoder or so

Trying to decode the blinks of the Jinn/panther

Shhh, just let him be for now, no banter!


Yoo ONE FLEW OVER get of that bus

Ya know ya can’t really fly

Holy Moose what booze does to ya

One of these days you surely die

And yar tombstone’d say "he flew too high"


Hey Fudd, ya potato head

Getting on this bus or not?

Or do ya really like to run

Behind this Silly-bus like a sot?

If ya have to, go and plod!


Now Cat/Jinn, Jinn/Cat, whatever ya are

Like the clappers on that bus

I got a gut feeling you are

The key to the Silly-bus

And the magical syllable


Honker did ya see Tinkerbell?

She was here just a minute ago

Trying to show me she could still fly

In a straight line, made quite a show

Ah! There she is! Asleep she’s pretty ya know


Now Willy I hope ya can drive

Cuz that’s something I never done

And steer this monster Silly-bus

To boldly go where none have gone

Off we are into Area Fifty-One!





Cheshire Grin


And on Lady's lap

A fat cat sat

Purring and kneading

Though she was standing


She stood in the que

As I did mew

Seeing much fun

At Area 51


Though no one had the guts

To drive the Silly-bus

As I vanished with a grin

With feline thoughts again


'Where's the litter box?

What if I get the pox?

Where's my food?

Can I be rude?'


Well, of course I can

Being a feline man

Persnikitty and then

I am the Cheshire Grin



Willy Honker


Now Justin

what we're ya thinking

I couldn't have cuddled

that there lady

if my life

had depended on it.

See, she was like dead

I reckoned,

she was just floppy

as can be.

I picked up

that there arm

of hers and boom

it clocked me in my head.

I thunk she's more than

just passed out Justin

thunk we needed

assistance over there.

The Nurse Crachet

was still riding here

so I asked her kindly

if she could come on over

and check on this lady

not sure if she was with us

or if she'd checked out.

So next time Justin

please don't jump my bones

over accusations that you

can't swallow with water.





Well, now I'm a bit smitten

I see over here a male kitten

he's mighty big maybe a cat

think I'll go over give a swat.

Too cute think I'll just cuddle

think you've been in a puddle

smells like a swamp your fur

yet I do love your perfect purr.



Cheshire Grin


I shan't tell any lies

Rodents of Unusual Size

Were what I was stalking

While the rest were talking

But they ran off in a fog

I followed to a bog

Sank in a mound of peat

That greened up my feet

But to clear this affliction

Just shower with affection





Affection for Cheshire Feline

infection at it's finest degree.

Affliction ridden poor kitty cat

detection device shows calm.

Reflection glowing contentment

protection of Jinn/Cat's thankful.

Recollection knows Cheshire

election to cuddle up in warmth.



Cheshire Grin


Oh dreamy Genie Jeanie

Purring like a Harley engie

Kneeding for all I'm worth

Paws moving back and forth

Oops..I gave too much lovin

See, I've shredded the cushion

On this zany 'Stutie bus

Hmm..hope noone makes a fuss....









All right

these cats

are getting

to me

I can't take

their affection

any longer

One's crying

and purring


the other one's



Then the black cat


to cuddling


disappearing cat

who now

is in kitty heaven.


did they

come from

and why

can't we boot

them out

of here?



Cheshire Grin


One Flew Over

the cuckoo's nest

but it's not there

*burp* had to digest

that silly bird

tried to fly

and in the sun's eye

he fried

hmmmm...Blackened Chicken

Cajun Style

and ah'm only in heaven

when filled with divinity

or devinity...hmm..won't go there

so, try to catch this elusive grin

if'n you dare to even begin

or shall you over another coop

be again One Flew the scoop?





This is "Cat" astrophic

I should have come back sooner

Watch out Jinn, the Cheshire Grin

is lookin for a "nooner"!


That cat has wiles behind his smile

an agenda he's not shown

He tried to chew on ol' One Flew

and would've had she not flown


He's a shabby tabby

though the right words he may purr

He shouldn't be quite so gabby

or more will fly than fur


These rumors that he's spreading

may not cause his own be-heading

But the Vet trip he's been dreading

may just happen yet


If he truly does desire

to sing with a boys choir

All his notes will be much higher

I'm willing to bet!



Willy Honker


What's all the commotion

about here on this bus

how's a man supposed to

drive with such ruckus?

Someone needs to contain

these two crazy cats

I'm thinking that there Jinn

is in heat oh my, drats

we ain't gonna get no sleep

with that wine to come

it will pierce our ears even

be totally foul to some.

Can't we just ship her off

to the great wilderness

actually send them both off

so we'll have calmness.

I know some of you here are

attached to her charm

yet I bet she's only been

around here twisting arms.

She never took to me and I

don't like cat's like that

almost like she's human acting

like a little spoiled brat.





There's something in the water here

an unknown element

That stifles creativity

and colors our intent


Insidious it works it's way

into the story's thread

Surely you have felt it too

and it's not just in my head


I suggest we leave this place

and venture here no more

I'm not too sure I want to see

what's behind those other doors


I'm outta here somethings not right

at least that's what I think

The ‘Stute's never too far away

don't you know (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)



Willy Honker


Hey Doc, I'm on your wave

I say we blow this place

catch a drinking hole

along our way to wherever.

I'm mighty thirsty for a brew

after rescuing you all

now things are settling down

I think a nice pub in town

would do us all fine.

I don't know about these cats

still think they need a home

down under the earth.

What's with this here vase

you all use it for daisy's

it's might pretty

must be the Lady's?

Watch that cornering Justin

darn near threw me to the floor

and the pretty vase

is in pieces.

What's this book here under it all

say's "Manuscript of Spells

and Their Reversals,"

now how did this fit in that there vase?







look at me

I'm standing

on two feet

yes it's true

it's Jeannie.

I shed the cat

so to say

must be

my broken vase

where is

that dirty rat?





Soft foot-steps echo off closed doors

Deja' view! this way third floor!

Take the steps two at a time

Much easier than walls to climb

Been here once or thrice it seems

Though those may be another's dreams

Hard to say been gone a spell

A few did even think me well


Smell that antiseptic air

The aroma of the "Stute"

The "Artiste Extraordinaire"

Once said it made him mute

Or maybe that was Vinny

It's really not that clear

It seems like I've been gone too long

What's that noise I hear?

Tip-toe 'round the corner

Like Fred Flintstone when he's bowling

and right smack dab in front of me

I see ...







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