Happy Birthday PIP


by Lady in Red


I heard we have a baby!

More a toddler I would say

Although he still wears diapers

And not always likes to play


I don’t know where he came from

He appeared out of the blue

Never saw the stork come by

Maybe he was made of stew!


We call him little Pippy

Although that is not quite true

He had a small white taggy

Saying: “call me Ronny too”


He likes to play with ONE FLEW

In his awesome secret nest

To hide and seek with OVER

Hiding Moose his orange vest


My goodness watch Fudd running

Chased by Ron the little brat

He cries out while our Pippy

Mashes his potato head!


Now ‘Drew why are you crying?

You miss some paraffin wax?

I think I just saw Ronny

Outside burn your crayons red


My goodness you poor Justins

A Straitjacket Avenue?

I think I came in Justin Thyme

You’re all turning quite blue!


Now look at those two playing

Doc Moose and Pippy dear

Pippy thinks he’s Santa Claus

And whips his stubborn deer


He spied on Nurse having a pee

And quick turned of the light

Which made her pee upon her toe

‘Cause she had no clear sight


Jeannie dear, what have you done?

Bottled up our Pippy dear?

The ‘Stute is far too dangerous

For Ronny sweet I fear


I think I better send you back

Into the world out there

You will be pampered by the crowd

No insanity to fear


Happy Birthday to you Pippy

Hope you’ll visit us again

We really are not all that bad

Although we are insane!


Lady in Red





Most certainly , oh one of red hue

You lead , I'll follow , dancing us two

Though sometimes I'm a little spastic

When trying to trip the light fantastic


'Tis not so easy with these hooves

And though I have the basic moves

At dancing I'm a little rough

Say when your toes have had enough




Nurse Crachet


Where did he come from anyway?

I was gonna get him a cake till he

turned the lights out on me. (brat)








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