Whew! Finally Made it!


by Justin Toxicated


Whew! I finally made it!

Where's my barstool? Get up, dude!

Gimme a big shot of trouble!

And don't try to start no feud!


I had a rough day and I'm tired --

and so I Just want me a drink!

So, pour me first one and then pour me two

'cause I Just don't want to think!


Hey you guys! Where are the hustlers?

They're usually right over there!

Playing pool with their stick -

'nuff to make a man sick...

so ask me if I care?

Those pool pros make more than I do

slavin' and pushin' all year...

sure, their life is a sham, but

you know who I am...

and I just want a BEER!


Gimme some gin and a bottle of beer

and keep the Jim Beam on hand....

'cause I ain't in the mood

to pretend I ain't crude

and I hope you understand.


I worked all this month for the money

to pay for my house and my kid...

but, lemme tell you, and this ain't funny!

The money don't know what I did!

They gave me a check after I worked all week

and it looked like some petty cash!

I almost just threw it in the damn boss's face

or dropped it right quick in the trash!


Whatcha say, let's have a double!

I'm tired of all of this crap!

I hate to bust your bubble,

but I just want to know what's on tap!

I ain't here for conversation...

unless my bud Toe walks in...

so set up the bar at the Corner Pub

and pass around all of the gin!


-Justin Toxicated


(Thanks for having me at the Pub, here!... hey,

you guys seen my cousin, Justin.... the one

on the Enebriated side of the family... he

owes me! Lemme know, k? thanks!)



Nurse Crachet


My how long have you been here?

I thought they throw people out

when the place is closing at night.

Seems you've been here for months

are they paying you as well as me?

Your kin are quite distressed

they're not even sure of an address,

they think they're traveling

escaping to some exotic island.

Come with me Justin Toxicated

we'll have you better in no thyme.



Justin Toxicated


I'm Justin Toxicated.

I've been here for 4 months!

I think I drank 'bout everything

they have here at least once!


I sat here and I waited

so patiently, Lord knows!

I drank some vodka, drank some gin

but you were all no-shows!


And now it's four months later and

you all show up with smiles!

I have all my cigar butts stacked

in itty bitty piles.


I built a log home with them

on top of Jake's wood bar

and when they reached up to my nose,

Jake took away my car.


He hid my keys inside drawer

and told me not to drive.

And so I ordered once again,

so glad to be alive!


On Christmas I was in here

quite calm, yeah, most sedate.

I waited for my drinking pals,

but damn, you guys are late!


I'm Justin Toxicated.

Sure, buy me one more round!

But next time that you promise

that you're coming, I'm not found!


I'm tellin' you the truth, my friends,

my ass is really sore!

I've sat right on this damn stool

while seasons changed, what's more...


I missed the Y2K come in,

and Thyme's lobotomy!

I'm Justin Toxicated.

I'm drunk 4 months. That's me.



Justin Toxicated









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