My Roommates
are Cartoons
My Roommates are Cartoons
There was a f-fat p-piggy named
Who looked quite incredibly dorky.
This was no cartoon,
this was a real loon,
who had trouble using a forky.
He got to the 'Stute and he
He tripped on the stair, then he
"I w-want to c-c-ome in!
P-please don't t-t-take my
But soon with the bottle, he
The men in white put on his jacket.
Oh, man, they made plenty of racket!
With me hiding there
behind the big chair,
I watched as they filled out his
They labeled the p-piggy a loony
and told him he was a cartoony.
They examined his snout
as he screamed, "L-Let me out!
Then they had him blow in the
When Porky blew a two point 0,
(this pig, he was plastered, you
they labeled him "Schitz",
and stifled his fits
with a zap to the head! (I laid
Then in came this Bunny named Bugs,
who proceeded to give us all hugs!
This bunny was wacky,
they gave him his jacky,
and pulled it tight with 3 more
His ears they were wings on his head
as they carried him off to his bed.
They strapped him right to it,
and I watched 'em do it....
no matter how much that he pled!
When Fudd found out Bugsy was in,
and that Porky was smashed on some
his waughter was manic,
there was quite a panic,
and Elmer gwinned an evil gwin.
"That wascawwy wabbit," he
"is cwazy! He's westing in bed!
The piggy's awwested!
The widdle pig's tested
and pwodded and pwobed in his
When Elmer then laughed in my ear,
I almost went deaf, DON'TCHA HEAR!
These hand drawn enigmas
are causing some stigmas,
It's Thyme to get far outa here!
Justin Thyme
aka Leonardo DaVinci
Artiste Extraordinaire
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