Potty Party


Justin Thyme



I spent the night at Shirley's house

following her gig.

I had come to have some fun,

but partied like a pig!

I had had way too much to drink

so slept upon the floor.

I couldn't drive my Chevrolet,

I couldn't see the door.


I asked if I could sleep with Shirl.

My girlfriend was the best.

But all she did was say her name,

saying, "Shirley, U. Jest".

Some others stayed at Shirley's, too;

because they couldn't drive.

My Shirley was their friend indeed

and helped keep them alive.


I soon awoke at 4AM --

I had to take a leak.

I went to Shirley's second bath.

My knees were getting weak.

I didn't turn the light switch on--

I just wanted to pee.

But some girl left the round seat down!

I splashed upon my knee!


I cursed so loud (but no-one woke)

and then raised up the seat.

I'm courteous to most, you see --

my splash will not repeat!

I went to sleep back on the floor

but soon I heard a scream!

Justine Ormous fell right in

the potty, so it seemed!


"Uh oh," I said, then hid my head,

since I am no conformist!

I left the seat up for the guys,

but feared this Justine Ormous.

The chick was huge! She'd tear me up!

I did not leave the seat up!

I'd lie 'til May, I'd lie 'til June!

I'd hated to get beat up!


Justine came out, her butt now dry,

the chef the night before.

And so I rose to talk to her.

I couldn't sleep no more.

I didn't mention toilet seats,

instead I praised the cooking.

I said I liked her Jumbo Shrimp,

and said she was good looking.


"Jumbo Shrimp?", she said to me,

then called me "oxymoron".

She didn't make the shrimp, you see;

we had a minor war on!

And so I thought, oh lucky me!

This could be Armageddon

if she had thought the lid was up

because I was forgettin'.


And so next time Justine's around,

make sure you leave the pot seat down.




Justin T.



Andrew Scott


Listen and learn

The fine art of self preservation

Rule one states

Sit down while at the potty station


Whether man or beast

God gave you a rear

And if you wish to keep it

My advice you'll adhere


If you miss your aim

While standing about

You'll be minus a digit

The next time she shouts


"Who left the lid up?

Damn it, I'm all wet!"

So best you conform

And next time just sit








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