Marriage, My Friends, is Like a Hot Bath


Justin Thyme



Marriage, my friends, is like a hot bath --

It looks and it feels so inviting.

You can't wait to soak from your head to your toes

since it looks to be warm and exciting!

You're naked, my friends, and the bubbles entice

as you yearn for that warm cozy feeling...

of water so hot that it makes you feel nice

as it sends your head off to the ceiling!


But when you get in it, it isn't so hot --

in fact the hot wears off quite quickly!

And if you stay in it too long, my dear friends,

you'll find that it makes you feel sickly.

The water sits there in the bath while you soak

and the soap suds with magnet attractions

grab dirt and debris that will sit on the top

of the surface and wait for reactions....


Your skin can break out if you stay there too long

while the water stagnates like a sewer.

You'll lie there and wonder if you can get out

and you'll want a hot bath that's much newer.

Yep, marriage, my friends, is a bath in the tub

and you'd better think twice while it's running...

'cause if you decide to jump in and to soak,

you'll find the hot water quite cunning.


When thinking of marriage, please think of your bath

and think twice 'fore heading for soaking.

'Cause marriage, I tell you, is like a hot bath.

It ain't all that hot! I ain't joking!



signed, Justin Thyme

recent escapee



Justin Thyme


I took a warm shower when I first got out,

but it didn't do really much good.

There was stagnant water afloat in the tub

and it didn't drain how that it should.

I quick got the plunger and plunged with my might

but the water, it just wouldn't drain.

I guess that next time I will shower instead,

or simply stay out in the rain.





Why Justin my friend

there you go again

spouting right off like a faucet


For some it might seem

an impossible dream

and they just give up and do toss it


But I'm here to say

there are some who will stay

I like to think they know better


They live out their lives

put the gear-box in drive

and don't seem to mind a few fetters



Justin Thyme


I never talked of fetters.

I never spoke of rope.

I only said a bath is hot

at first, when there is soap.

But when the soap has bubbled,

you quickly lose its hold,

then all you find that you have left

is bath water that's cold.


I don't know what you speak of Moose.

I think you are insane.

It was a bath I spoke about...

how could I be more plain?





Marriage can be like a sauna

'Specially if you picked an iguana

Or just like a bath in burning fat

If you're stuck in there with a rat.

Marriage can be like a real cesspool

If you chose to share it with a fool

Or like a dip in a piranha pond

Or quicksand or lava something beyond.


But if you share it with the right one

It's a bath filled with joy that will never be done

In a tub full of honey and everything nice

And a shower of good fortune that carries no price

So, if you are drowning, before you say "GLUB!"

Blame your selection but don't blame the tub!



Justin Thyme


Well you’re all laughing! I'm glad of that!

This poem was a little dumb joke!

You all are so serious here tonight!

All sensitive kinda folk!


Right now I'd like to take a bath

but the bathtub's on the blink.

It's backing up fast from the john on the right

and some more from the kitchen sink.


So, what can I do but laugh out loud

and write a bathtub verse.

You guys are way too serious

and my drain is getting worse!


When the plumber gets here, I guess I'll be back

to see if some people can grin.

And when he is through, what else can I do?

But take a cold shower again.



Justin Nuendo


Ok, here’s the plumber. Let’s see....

geesh Justin, what junk ya’ve got in

there? Holy Moose! What’s this?

Two goldfish, an ear for Vinny and

yer life savings? Right Justin.....down

the drain it goes....Please next time

keep the ears on mustard, the fish

on ice and yer money with me.



Justin Thyme


My house smells like a cesspool.

I think I've gone insane.

This backed up mess is very rude

and eating out my brain.

I have some personalities

to quickly take my place.

I'm glad they're here

because, my friends,

they'll be my saving grace.


One thing I know 'bout marriage

is it's an institute

and that's a fact, you know, my friends,

a fact you can't refute.

And if the plumber doesn't show

to fix these the stopped up drain,

I think I'll be back in the 'Stute

(the other one), insane.



Justin Kace


Justin Kace your bathtub stinks

I'm calling Mr. Clean...


Mr. Clean gets rid of dirt and grime

And grease Justin A Minute

Mr. Clean will clean your marriage out

And everything that's in it....


Mr Clean.. Mr. Clean... Mr. Clean......








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