Reply to: No! Justin Genius!




Just Ingenious the pup, set out to pen a rhyme
To Ron, as if that busy man has no better use for time
He wants to ban an "o" that sits in middle of his name
I'm telling you, you little pup, it won't look quite the same
The Queen who speaks good English, the British kind you know
She says you cannot get rid of that tiny little "o"
She told me in her high pitched voice as we had tea last night
And said some nasty things about you, naughty little mite
You folks below the 49th (to you that's parallel)
Who rip apart the language when you just won't learn to spell
The British have been writing English many years you see
Their pubs are even older than your whole damn count-er-y
Now your brother Justin Time, he has been telling us the truth
You ain't no ge-ni-ous, you're just a snotty little youth
Now Justin, see your influence, it really is quite bad
I'm really quite intriqued now, by this family life you've had
With family members in the 'Stute, brothers squealing on each other
My goodness I do really feel compassion for your mother
You're mother, oh my what a saint, I really must commend her
If I were her I'm sure by now I'd be out on a bender
I've no kids of my own, you see I really don't quite like 'em
Cause if I'd had some just like you, my God I'd surely bite 'em
Justin, you must be off now, or you'll be late once more
I think that shool has just begun,- the date's September 4
Now I really must get work done, spent an hour on this ditty
If boss-man should find out, well unemployment don't look pretty
Now for this little scolding, I'm sure you'll not retaliate
However, to be sure, I think I'll call up Justin Case

Now all you there in readers land, who may already know
In Oxfords dic-tion-ary
Genius does not have an "o"
Please don't tell young Justin
Cause his head's already swelled
And if he should find this out
We'll never hear the end


Justin Genious


Hmmmmm... I shall return!  




Genious - I await your return. On MY thread, not yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Justin Genious


The Lady Trace has grown impatient, eager for a fight,
However when you wanted War my evening turned to night.
I shall return MY evening, ready for a War of Words!
Prepare yourself with shaking knees for: Battle of the Nerds!

Justin Genious
(soon to be genius)




Ah Genious I'm waiting, I am ready for the duel
My sharpened pencil ready, a box of beer for fuel
My knees they are not shaking, of you I am not scared
I stand here at the ready, for this battle to be shared

But me I am a lady, a well bred one at that
So first I give a curtsy, expect you to tip your hat
But after that the gloves are off, the battle will begin
I already taste sweet victory, for I of course shall win


Justin Thyme


I'm Justin Thyme to tell you, girl,
You've got this whole thing right!
There is no "o" in "genius",
I don't blame ya for the fight!
My so-called brother Justin Genious
Cannot even spell!
But he's out here claiming membership
In Mensa! What the hell??!?!?!?!

Although this clan is loco, true,
We're all a little wacky,
This brand new Justin's overdue
For zapping! Oh how tacky!
He comes upon these sacred boards
So full of it, head swelling,
Demanding the respect of those
Who know much more 'bout spelling!

Some genius! Ha! He's Justin Sayne!
We KNOW that he's half-witted!
To put an "o" inside his name
Just proves why he's committed!

He's prob'ly used some other names
When tryin' to con Cratchet!
You know how some, while thinking will
Just lean their head and scratch it?
This Justin Genious figured that
He'd try that, too, while thinking,
But could not find his head to scratch,
Since all of them were drinking!
I witnessed Justin Ebriated
Pour him triple whiskeys,
Then Justin Toxicated said,
"Hey Genius! That's quite risky!"
It's hard to think while worshiping
The porcelain white throning
And scratching simultaneous
With moaning loud and groaning!

Well, anyway, my point is this,
This Justin's not that brainy!
He can't spell his fictitious name!
No genius! NO! He's zaney!
I'm glad it's YOU who pointed out
The extra "o" and not-a-me.
Excuse me now, they're calling me
To watch today's lobotomy.

And when I'm through, I hear it's Thyme
For Justin Genious' zapping.
If Cratchet gets him off the floor
From playing "One Hand Clapping".

Justin Thyme
aka Leonardo DaVinci
Artiste Extraordinaire
Previous 'Stute Escapee


Justin Genious


Tipping my hat to Miss Tracey...

Sorry my dear, of course I'm too ingenious to post your Ballad here.

Instead it went here:
”The Ballad of Miss Tracey”

Let's battle!  

And never mind Justin Thyme... he's not fully awake yet...





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