No! Justin Genius!

My name is Justin Genious 'though some say I'm a sot.
and further more they say I'm nuts, I swear to you I'm NOT!
Yes smart I AM, more than rest, 'cause I'm a GENIUS!
The smartest of the Clan and specialized in viruses.

I'm here to do a study on a crazy 'Stutee bunch,
Especially the gooey stew they seem to have for brunch,
And not to mention eggnog that's been brew down in the 'Stute,
Or Moose who thinks he's doctor now and even wears a suit!

I'm told they have a Nurse who picks your brain for flying brooms,
And if you're good you'll get some time in Unknown's rubber room.
Now if I'm lucky Justin Thyme may drop by for a tale,
With Miss Behavin' Justin Nuff with good old Chip & Dale.

But viruses is what I seek, I'm told they've got some ghastly,
Good slimy ones in kitchen sink where Crayon King's seen lastly.
Just when I was all ready Justin Nuendo told me: "NOT!"
"You stay here Justin Bed until you fix this name you sot!".

My brother says my name's too English, just an "o" too much,
So therefore I requested Ron to change it with his touch,
But we all know when Ron says "soon" it could be any day,
We all know you're a busy man, but... Ron... Mphm that was May!

So will you please, some day real soon, deprive me of an "o",
'Cause Clan will haunt poor Justin if my brain's more than they know
And I don't wish to be that smart, not Justin Genious
It's way too much, says Justin Clan, I'm Justin Genius!


Justin Genious

(soon to be genius)


Justin Nuendo


Arhg! His Emptiness has found us!
Alarm! Run for yer life!
'Cause he ain't no real Justin,
he's just wheel number five!
Mum always said; "There's somethin' wrong
With Justin Genious.
Ignore all that he does my son,
He's way too sane for us!"
Me brother cried: "That's isn't true!
I'm Justin Sane like you!"
I tell you tho' it ain't just so!
He doesn't write Haiku!
Instead he goes for Ballads,
With fancy words and stuff,
I'll give him to the Balladeer
'Til he's had Justine Nuff!
Apologize I must to all
He'll ruin 'Stute's good name!
He's Justin Genious ya know,
He's Shirley-not insane!

Yo bro'! How yer doing? Long time no see.

Still into mouldy things and mushrooms?
Got some of them magic ones one ya?

I'll get ya in the 'Stute if ya do...



Justin Thyme


I'm Justin Thyme, I tell you!
Hey bro! This is ingenius!
You come here with attempts to prove
To us that you're a genius??!?!?!
How clever and how cunning,
Justin Credible will faint!
As if your mind were some slick kind
Of intellect! It ain't!

Shall I remind you, brother
Justin Thyme so all will see,
The way you  always lied to mother
'Bout your tests, so blatantly?

Yes, my friends, this so called Genius
Was a little con of sorts!!
Once he took his test results
And all the Doc's reports,
Bound them in a volume
With some leather and some twine,
Claimed to Mom, "I'm Mensa now!"
And then started to whine....

"Please Mommy, please believe me,
I'm a genius, yes I am!"
He said on knees, while sanity
Escaped him once again.

Poor Mom was torn!
Completely miffed!
The test results in hand...
Her son, the psycho schizoid nut
In need of reprimand!

What COULD she say?
What could she do?
She nodded with agreement
And then reviewed the test results
So she could seek out treatment!

You ARE not Justin Genius, bro,
That idea is grandoise!
Now tell your TRUE identity
And quit it with this noise!

Now that I'm cured,
I'm sure you will agree...
The 'Stute was just a figment
Of a strange, strange fantasy!
There is no Wizard!
I'm convinced!
No Justin's, or cartoons.
I'm Justin Thyme to tell you all
You don't exist! You're LOONS!!!!!
--- hehe,
signed, just me,
Justin T.



Justin Credible


WOW! This is Justin Credible!
I can't believe it's come to this!
Justin Genius!!! How ya been?
To see you makes me reminisce!

Welcome back into the blue
Pages where we all once knew
One another as the Cratchet
Chased us clean around this racket.

It's Justin Credible, I say!
Justin Genius, let us play!

(Please don't listen to Justin Thyme
He thinks he has escaped!
But I just saw him strapped in white
On a bed with curtains draped.
The boy's a mess!
He's loony tunes!
He's certainly not sane!
Don't listen to him!
He's just screwy
Maybe his mom's to blame!)




In response to this you'll see that I have penned to you another
though to be sure it's PG, I'll send a copy to your mother
So look for it on passions and I have no doubt you'll see
That you, my little genius are no cleverer than me


Nurse Crachet


oh, the quest you all have founded
problem is you've all been grounded
right here in this simplest of places
I just wonder why all the grim faces
Justin Genious a welcome deserved
lets not fidgit and get all unnerved
the world you visit cannot compare
to the cognitively of your stare
a warning forth I give this here day
able am I to pounce on your play
Doc Moose may not be coherent
so Doc Banderaid will be decent
arrival time will surely coincide
with crayon kings revealing hyde
the walls here have all the imprints
of looney toons who've lost their mints
Justin's all have been committed
to denial that they've been admitted
come look around and you will see
a myrid calamity of who oh who is me.


Justin Genius


Dear folks, at last my brothers show their vicious jealousy,
I'm glad it's in the Open now for everyone to see.
They're jealous of the audience I've gathered here around,
They're jealous of the crowd that I have kept truly spell bound.

They're envious about my language spoken as it should,
And picked on me for being smart from earliest childhood.
They hate my gift of play with words, they loathe my funny bone,
But most of all they hate the fact I'm Mummy's number 1!

My brother Justin Nuendo always spoke with dual tongue,
Mum almost ripped it out one day when he was very young,
Since then he's tried his Haiku's 'cause the Ballads were too much,
Unfortunate he never came to master even such.

Does Justin Thyme truly believe he could escape the 'Stute?
While all the time he's Justin Bed dreaming away? That's cute!
The Doctor Moose sedated him, it really is quite sad,
To hear him tell his tales of freedom strapped tight to his bed.

Somewhat unique I'd say is brother Justin Credible,
He loves to play a game with cousin Justin Visible.
His fantasy's to play a game of Chip & Dale with Fudd,
To find out who's the cutest of those two, the real 'Stute stud!

Dear audience I fear it's time for me to split and run,
I thank you for your kind words; drop by any time for fun.
I see the Nurse allows me in, inviting me to learn,
The who oh who she really is; the Nurse who makes them burn!




Nurse Crachet I am here to say you're mistaken,
We won't accept any other Doc, but our Moose.
Must I wiggle my nose and give you a shakin?
Next time Andrew just might cook your goose!

I hear the telephone ringing, ringing, ringing,
Hello, hello, hello, Doc Moose could it be you?
Hurry quick, a new Doc Nurse C is bringing,
No one there it seems, or maybe it's a hidden clue?

Doc tor, Doc tor where are you, where are you?
I got a sliver, I got a wound, can you fix it please!
I never knew this feeling, this feeling of deepest blue,
Doc Moose can you stop hiding behind all these trees.

Alone I'll sit till he returns, no other Doc can replace,
What has been revolving, and revolving and revolving,
Whoops got myself a bit dizzy, thanks Justin Kace,
For catching me before my words began dissolving.

I vote we all go on strike, we'll picket the halls,
Yell, and chant till dinner time, than a food fight!
We won't stop at nothing until Doc Moose calls
and tells us that Nurse C. has made things right.




I've been waiting for this genious, over on my thread
I thought that maybe he got scared, and just went off to bed
I got him all confused you see, he said that he'd be back
I went back there to find him, but his presence it did lack
But here I find him on his thread surrounded by his family
I think he's scared to come because he's only just a SISSY

So Genious
I'm over at my thread, it called "Reply to Justin Genius"
The stage is set, the duel is ready, I'm feeling mighty devious




I sit in silent wonder staring at these walls of pink .
What none may wrent a-sunder may be jeopardized I think .
The position of the planets rolling 'bout like little pills ,
confirms my deep suspicions that ol' Crachit bodes me ill .

A sound I hear intuding in Bewilderment as well ,
disturbing , and yet , welcome for 'tis friends who've rung my bell .
A new impostor Dr. ? In the name of all that's good ,
just bring him on ! ( I'll wager that he's just a pecker-wood )

Now I'm not to be trifled with , Ive vested int'rest here .
I've Justin Vestigated and I'd like to make this clear ,
at anytime and anyplace your ills be large or small ,
don't hesitate for my name plate is still up on the wall ,

emblazoned and embellished in invisible ink swirls .
May I be of assistance as this next chapter unfurls ?


Justin Genius


Miss Tracey, I gather I have fulfilled your needs with

"The Ballad Of Miss Tracey"?
Bon voyage lady and cheers! Oh... and NO drinking and writing!  

As long as we keep writing there will always be a 'Stute,
With Justins, Nurses, Kings and Ladies, some are even cute!
With Doc back in the 'Stute there are still some that need be found
For instance where's Crayolla King? Who's seen him last around?

Next stop? Andrew Scott!





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