Dear Dr. Freud


by Dr.Moose1


Dear Doctor it occurs to me

perhaps it was your destiny

That led you here of all the places

would you help me with these basket cases?


Now I'm not sure but I've a hunch

that some of them are out to lunch

And those that aren't may as well be

Oh, and can you work for free?


I would not ask but the need is great

and since you're here by quirk of fate

Please consider my proposal

I put myselves at your disposal


In this forum we both could host

with apropos decorum for those who post

A "Dear Doctor" segment in the up-coming weeks

and treat their disorders with the words that we speak


I await your reply, oh most learned one

with this cast of whackos it's bound to be fun!



Dr.Moose1, A. Vertyser (deceased),

E.Fudd, M.Marceau, et al



Sigmund Freud


Dear Dr Moose1,


I am here at you disposal, for you and the

needy folks of passions.


First off we should work on some of

your problems....


Its seems to me, this environment may be affecting

you more then you think. You appear to have

conflict of self. You refer to yourself as the one

Moose, this in itself is not too serious, but then

you refer to yourself as in this statement...

I put myselves at your disposal. This is a multiple

personality disorder that seems to live in denile

with the fact that you think their is only one of you.

Also referring to yourself as E.Fudd, M.Marceau.

You personalities have taken on celebrity status.

So have no fear my good Doctor well sort out

who you are, and help our good Friends here

at passion in the process...




Sigmund Freud



Justin Thyme


I guess that I am Justin Thyme

to tell you what I think.

I think that Freud here is a fraud

and Moose drove me to drink!


These two are simply patients

at the 'Stute, they are not shrinks!

Please witness how their verbiage mocks

the way each other thinks.


Now, as for me, I left that joint

for bigger, better things --

and life out on the street is fine

with all the pain it brings.


The deal is this, dear so-called "docs",

no-one here is on trial.

And so-called Freud, this is the way

a person spells "denial".


Denial isn't just a stream

in Egypt, don'tcha know.

I think you BOTH are "Multiple".

Your schizoid selves now show.


And so I leave you doctor dudes

to try to treat each other.

And as for me, I'd rather have

some guilt dosed out from mother.


Our mother dear, Ms. Justine Ate,

she was accusatary.

But frankly, "docs", analysis

by you guys is more scary!



Nurse Crachet


Dear Doc Moose:


What if Sigmund's a fake

all we've done he'll break,

shatter it like mirrored glass

laughter without any class.


I fail to see the logic in this

we've together created bliss

amongst all our patients here,

another to the mix dines fear.


Please hear me Doc Moose

before we discover a ruse

I admire your healing powers

no desire to see leaning towers.


PS: Meet me in the supply room





No worry Nursie

if he's a fake

I'll take care of him.






Since we're getting personal I may as well call you

that. As much as I respect your professional

opinion, I may have to disagree with your

assessment. While true that I refer to myself

as 1, in the Zen philosophy this is simply

a statement of being. So therefore I have no

conflicting illusions. Might I suggest we

get on with helping those truly in need?



As a former ‘Stute resident, which you freely

admit, do you really think you're qualified to

assess the mental status and or the medical

qualifications of myselves and my

esteemed colleague Dr. Freud?


My Dear Nurse C.

Surely he can be no fake

of phallic prose he does partake

And if he is at least he's good

not your average peckerwood



The supply room eh, now I wonder

what she wants with me in there?



Justin Thyme


Nope. Guess not. But are you?


If so, I could use some psychoanalysis

because the world outside the 'Stute is

rather confusing, y'know?

Oh... and some Demerol.





Sigmund Freud


Justin Thyme, thank you for pointing out these

spelling errors... my English is not to good,

leaving Vienna was a difficult adjustment

for me...


Now to you. I can see being released from a

high security institute can be a long and tiring

adjustment for one such as yourself. The

street can also be very difficult to get along on.

I can see that your ordeal is still very hard on

you. You continue to think that you are on

trial, but this will pass my good man. You

should try to accept your freedom, embrace

it, not your mother, and seize the day.

I will be available anytime you need to

talk, you can also bring your other twin

brothers with you. It's important to have

this kind of support. Please tell Justin Kace,

Justin Nuendo, Justin Appropriate, Justin Pain,

Justin Toxicated, Justin Tolerable, Justin Spire

they are all welcome and to not be afraid of the

Doc's we don't bite. All analysis is free, we just

want to help in your multiple personality

complex. Please come by next Thursday,

we have a whole wing booked for you and

your multiple kin.


Nurse Crachet, have no fear, I won't interfere

with your little group session, I'm only here to

advise. … Also I must point out that

your statement…


I admire your healing powers

no desire to see leaning towers.


Is a direct contradiction, for your true desire

to be manhandled? This is evident with your

frequent, visits to the supply room, and offers

to intellectual types. This is not a problem in

itself, unless you plan to use some object in

the supply room, at which point I would

say proceed with caution.


Jeannie, I'm sure the good Dr. Moose1

will take care of you.


Dr. Moose1, I think a visit to the supply

room is in order, good luck







Jeannie, how nice, that you could drop by

I've not been off-planet I didn't even try

But where are my manners, please let me introduce

The great Dr. Freud, who from what I deduce

Believes that the problems that plague all mankind

originate somewhere south of the mind

An interesting theory to say in the least

for without higher thought, wouldn't we all be just beasts?





J.T., I'm surprised, nay quite appalled

that you would ask for Demerol

With all the new drugs that are out on the market

(If you're driven to drink ) your car, they will park it

And were I to psycho-analyse,

I'd say you're one great bunch of guys

that with no ifs, ands, or buts,

give meaning to the phrase "We're nuts!"



Nurse Crachet


What's in the supply room?

Wouldn't some like to know?

It's as innocent as the nose

on one's face, but then again

what's in a nose could incriminate.

Why in the supply room

is more the question to ask

but why ask when your minds

wander to places of ill retrieved.

Only Doc and I know the reasons

and foreboding all conclusions

innocence reigns amongst professionals.



Justin Thyme


Yeah, ok fine, Freud. But what about the Demerol?

Free analysis won't do me any good if this pain

continues. I'd like to have the kind I can push a

button for any time I need it. Thanks.


Mom would be proud of me, by the way. I've

been staying at the library with Marion the

librarian... she's been kind enough to give me

work even though most days, I'm too depressed

to climb the ladder in the stacks. And all this

time, I've never told her about Mom's animosity

toward librarians and how she used to call me a

"bookworm" every Thyme I read the comics

under the sheets with a flashlight! I've done my

mother a great favor by not ridiculing her in public.

The 'Stute never helped, btw. All it did was add

to my anxiety. Too many cartoons there and

not enough Demerol.


I'm a mess, Doc.


Help. Please.





Master, I would never question

your manners or lack there of,

you've put up with me through

all my misguided adventures.

I just fear this new Doctor

he may not understand me

and my special talents.

Please keep me safe

don't let him play

with my sane mind.





Dr. Freud,

Concerning the one we call "Nurse C."


Oh, Nurse C., I'm so glad you found the appointment

book in the supply room! I can't imagine how it got

there! Could you please look up the next patient?

I only see her professionally though rumors

abound please be advised sir that nothing goes

on between me and her. In my humble opinion

as things go so far the smoke that you're

blowing, ain't from a cigar.




Nurse Crachet



The book is full of emptiness

not a patients name written,

how did this book get in here

and why has it been altered?


I'm suspecting it's a petty crime

committed in this here room

wherein someone has to hide

evidence and throw us off track.


We'll catch them I guarantee

their brains be ours for picking,

we need to start looking for clues

where do you suggest we start Doc?








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