by Dr.Moose1
Acceptable levels of confusion
Sequential events cause your
knickers to twist
Everything granted is taken away
Catch stolen breaths and hold on
while you may
Once remembered things seem lost
No-one keeps score or measures cost
Doubt-less others have been here
One of us might have a clue
Perhaps this is some cosmic joke
Is my "Wheel Of Fortune"
missing some spokes?
No easy solutions to this puzzle
I'll keep my guesses for now, under
this paper hat
Only a fool takes opinions as fact
Normal is only how most of us act
Well aren't we just the cwever one?
Horse's patoots are wots more fun
Always whining about this or that
The things wong with you won't fit
under a hat!
All of us know you are one cwazy coot
Why don't you just stay in the
All of your poems are weally wame
Contorted works that sound the same
Kooks wike you need awownd the cwock
One hundwed percent ewectwo-shock
Do your thoughts reflect your
One fits all you realize
Nothing here is as it seems
'Tis not of you that which I dream
Most apropos of this fact
Elmer you're a little whacked
So pipe down runt you mental gnat
Surely you wouldn't trade tit for
With one who is by far superior
I'll dispatch post-haste your
gibes inferior
This paper hat upon my head
Hides verse to fill your heart
with dread
Mock me not my toony friend
Even you might meet your end
For you see I know what makes you
Unless you stop I'll end it quick
Don't forget you're part of me
Dare I say... acrostically?
The Fuddy one seeks battle with our
dear Dr. Moose
I'm sure our four footed friend will
cook that Fudd's goose
But should you need some help from your
bud Andrew Scott
Stop by for some hot gel the kind
that burns a lot.
Please try any color, fire red or
paraffin blue
I'm sure any of my favorite waxes
will due
And when you're done cooking Fudd to
a golden brown
Stop by the 'Stute's kitchen,
there's plenty to go around
Bon appetite!
Now just a minute you fuwwy fweak
Omnipotence is what you seek
What makes you think you know so
You're compwetewy out of touch
Once Wonald sees how you tweat me
Undeniabwy misewabwy
My guess is he'll take my side
And you'll have no pwace weft to
Don't even think the "King of
Emboldened by your cwazy pwan
Makes a diffewence to me
Eventualwy I will be fwee!
Andwew Scott be well advised
Not to pick on one my size
Gweat things come in packages
When you cwoss pens with me
You wisk wosing it all!
Good grief now he's after you!
One of us must see this through
Only by acrostic means
Dare we hope his clock to clean
Luck be with you Andrew Scott
Unless your words and crayons are
Catastrophy will rule the day
Knock him off without delay
Know that I will guard your back
In case he tries a sneak attack
Now break out the "Big Box" I'm counting on you
Godspeed and good fortune most
valiant Andrew!
Fudd had grown tired of hunting
rabbit and duck
Ulcers were all he caught, he felt
like a big schmuck
Decided to poach in the 'Stute for a
quick meal
Doctor Moose his pursuit he hoped to
make a kill
Silently through the halls and into
the kitchen
Tip toed the linguistically
challenged bald munchkin
Everything was looking fine but he
was too slow
When Andrew walked in and thought him
a potato
Andrew I see you are up to the
Not likely from me any help you
will ask
Do to Elmer as before unto you
Really, I like a well seasoned
Ever in trouble hesitate not
We'll make some more room in the
old stew pot!
Egad! A squat little bald spud!
Looking much like that midget Fudd
Moose, please hand me that there
Epicurean delights await
Russet potato upon one's plate
Sounds like a sure fire winner
Parsley and sour cream on top
Unlimited butter dollops
Dang! That spud makes a fine dinner.
I weft before the pwot could
Now your stew just tastes wike
You thwew me in a gweat big pot,
Okwa and cawwots and water hot
Under the wid, the tempewature
Roiwing and boiwing, I took off my
Dancing on stilts made fwom celewy
sticks, I
Wifted the wid, and got out of
there qwick!
Ew!,I'll get you wadio boy
Andwew Scott, you should not toy,
Me, E. Fudd, though I'm soaking
wet,know that I will get you yet!
Shhh... be wewwy qwiet I'm
pwotting my wevenge...
Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh
You've done well there "King
of Crayons"
Elmer had to change his plans
Stopped him cold acrostically
Without any help from me
Even though he would not stew
He met his match in you Andrew
And had to l;eave without his
Very wet from head to toes
Eventually he will be back
And one of us he will attack
Watchful we must ever be
In his mind we're the enemy
Never know where he'll strike next
Nor what he'll say in hidden text
Elmer really is quite sick
Remember well his little trick
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