A Cast Of Thousands


by Dr.Moose1


Your very own cast of thousands

Only you can see them all

Under-staffed let's see a show of hands

Some are big and some are small


How many of them would be you

One is never enough

Laugh when the going gets too tough

Don't you know they're after you


Grab a hold of something

Everythings within your reach

Take the time to write some rhymes

Hold on 'cause life's a beach


Everyone's got problems

Let's not dwell on that

Pass the pickled peppers please

(have you seen my paper hat?)





Into the next Millennium

Carrying quite a load

Over many mistakes made

Memories mark my road


Everything that has been dreamed

Incomplete but still in sight

Never far from field of view

Perspective sheds some light


In dealing with life's curve-balls

Everyone has a plan

Could it be what works for me


Some will understand ?





You're getting very sleepy

Open your eyes on the count of three

Unless you'd rather be a nut

Stuck here for eternity


They all think you're wack-o

And it could be that they're right

Your increasingly strange behavior

Only proves that they just might


Understand you fit the profile

Talking to your-self this way

One of you is crazy

Four of you O.K.


Three are weaving baskets

Help is coming soon

In you head you're in the Institute

Staffed by lunatics and Toons





Hewwo evwybody

Evwywon is wooking good

Ratchit wasn't watching

Else I'd stay out in the woods


'Sure are wots of wackos here

Evwy time I turn awound

Last one in's a wotten egg

Mr. Fudd is back in town


Evwybody wisten, while I tell my pwan

Ratchet's in the wadie's woom , washing out bed-pans

Anywon who's with me

Nod your widdle heads


Doc is going down this time

He's been woofing wots of meds

Evwything is weady

'Supwise him when he's dweaming


Pay him back for thwowing me out

It's him who should be weaving

Stoopid cwumsy big dumb moose

Stole my pwace on his computer


Evwyone who is with me

Dwag him out, that instituter!





U are getting sweepy very sweepy!








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