Applicable Circumstantial Application


by Cheshire Grin


Herewith I propose

To pull out my nose

The writ, to whit

Which suitably fits

The branch I call home


Perched where I sit

Where birds often...flit

To peer in the room

Where Nurse C rides a broom

Around the onion dome


The Just Gang at Noon

Running from living Toons

Pursued with a net

By nurses who fret

About the next palindrome


The Wizard sings to saw

'A man, a plan, Panama!'

With Twins in harmony

Ringed round my tree

As the staff froths and foam


Here ends the tale

From the cat, grin and tail

Application is moot

From my perch by the 'Stute

In the tree that I call home


The cat grins.

Slowly the grin vanishes

Until only the cat remains.




Justin Nuendo


Ahhhhh look at cha ! Found me a kitty....sorry....

a CAT ! If yar nice, maybe the Lady will let ya

hav' a nap on her lap. I happen to know she

LUUUUUUVS Cats ! Nah don't ya start scratching,

that'd be a CATastrophe and yar

PURRRRRRRRRfect as yar!



Nurse Crachet


Mr. Kitty Cat

you have gotten

this Nurse all wrong

she's here to help

not take away from.

It's illusions

in their minds

taking them away

to mystic places.

I'm really

just sweet as pie

and as addictive

as chocolate brownies.



Lady in Red


My goodness an authentic Cheshire

For what more could this Lady desire

What a beauty he is

He will be a real bliss

'Round my shoulders for all to admire


Lady in Red









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