Come 'n' Git Me Guys!
by Bugs Bunny
Hey Bashful, fella, what's da
I t'ought dey pwomised you a meal
A wucious feast to make you fat
But yaw still waitin'- what's wit
A wubba woom dey pwomised me
And den dey say no wooms are fwee
So many pwomises dey make
But weally all dey do is take.
Dey are da ones dat make us nuts
I tink we all should sue doze
I have dis weal good lawya guy
And all of us can spwit da pie.
We'll wule this pwace and dat's a
And pwove dat d'ere da ones dat's
So Bashful, boy, what do ya say
Ya wanna help me make 'em pay?
We'll teach dem all a ting aw two
Faw messin' 'wound wit me and you
I'll spwit wit you dis wucious
'Cause I am such a weal sweet
I'm Justin Thyme to fix dis pwace
But need yaw help, boy, Justin
Dey send dat mean ol' Nu'sie
Ta twy ta whack me wit dat
I know dey all wuve wabbit stew
I have no wecauss but ta sue
Justin Conceivable's dis pwace
Discwedit to da human wace.
Oh my GAWD I'm gonna pee my pants
I never laughed so hard. No
where's Elmer
Fudd? I was Justin THYME to read
I think this is Justin Appropriate
Justin Conceivable!!!! Justin Kace
I don't see ya all soon remember
poem is never Justine Nuff
You wacally wabbit,
I must decline.
(rubbing my toe in the dirt and
hanging my head)
The nursy is real sublime.
She feed me good, my tummy's full.
Now please stop feeding me such bull.
You told me first you would not
Now you think that I'm a square.
I have a job and nursy is cute.
(blushing fire engine red)
How can I become a brute?
I gave you an answer you will not
Oh well, now I'll go and fly my kite.
Ad. here,
Paranoid? delusional?
Do little things make you tense?
When really was the last time
What you wrote made sense?
Do the smallest hallucinations
Interfere with your routine?
Do aliens visit often
And are they blue instead of green
Well hesitate no longer
For just ten cents a day
You can purge those inner demons
With all new "Schiz-O-Way"
No messy applicators
Safe and fun to use
You show us the green
And we'll chase away your blues
Another quality product from:
To: Bashful
I can't bewieve you tink she's
Da dwagon of dis institute?
I twuly am yaw onwy fwiend
But go ahead, pway make pwetend.
I weally won't wose any sweep
If she's da company you keep
So when yaw tummy sta'ts to
Wemembah me dis Bunny humble.
I weally twied to be yaw fwiend
But you just pwoved dat in de end
Yaw weally just a cwazy loon
Not weally kind to dis sweet
Yawl soon hea' fwom dat lawya guy
And I ain't spwittin any pie.
Hey Addy Boy (aw maybe Doc?)
Ya got some pills dat pack a sock?
Dese cwazies make me vewwry tense
I need some help to hop dis fence
I weally don't twust dat ol'Cwatchet
She smiles at dat widdle hatchet
I know she's tinkin wabbit stew
So what's a bunny boy ta do?
I have ta sneak away fwom heah
Oh can you help me Doctah deah?
It seems we may have run our
Don't put your money on one dark
Perhaps we'll see some more stuff
The 'Stute will live on this I'll
We now have found a bwand new sweety
A yellow bird, her name is Tweety
A sweety pie she is da best
Much fwendwier dan all da west
She's sane wike me and not a loon
She just awwived and none too soon
Of all da Toonies in dis 'stute
She weally is da one most cute
She knows da scoop and she can whyme
Her widdle heart out Justin Thyme
To entahtain da folks at Passions
So now I'll go and eat my wations
But Justin Kace I hop away
Wit Tweety Bird you still can pway.
..Excuse me now 'cause meanie
Is pwannin soon my head to bash it
And I'm not fonda wabbit stew
So to da 'stute I bid adieu
I'll be back to visit often
But faw now dis bunny's hoppin.
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