A Notice To That Justin Clan


by Bugs Bunny


I think you Justin dudes are nuts

And have alota guts

My mind is fine I tell you twue


Not cwacked at all like you

Or Elmer Fudd and P-Porky P-Pig

That Doc with antlers big


Nurse Cwatchet too in 'Stute wesides;

Uncool were your dewides

Toons though some looney most are sane

So cease this cwuel disdain.


You'll soon speak with my lawya', guys

Oh, you'll be quite su'pwized

Unless I get wespect fwom you


-A little twuth will do

Like tellin' folks that I'm not nuts

Look out - I'll sue yaw butts.


So Justin Kace you catch my dwift

And care to heal this wift

You'll Justin Thyme pwove to be wise

-So stop these silly lies.


Make up yaw mind don't hesitate

Elsewise I'll litigate!



Mr. Bugs Bunny



Nurse Crachet


Bugs Bunny you've been warned once now to stop

hopping around and borrowing the laptops to post

threatening messages. two more warnings and it's

off to the rubber room for you. Get my drift,

Tthat's Aall Bbugs.



Bugs Bunny


A wubba woom you say?

To bounce awound all day?

Sounds like a weal fun woom!

Can I please go da'e soon?


A laptop-what is dat?

Dat place wa'e you once sat?

I don't think so honey

You just want my money.


I don't play dat game

But thank you just da same

And yo'e just not my type

'Cause all you do is gwipe.


And you bin seein Fudd

(dat guy is such a dud)

I'll have dat wubba woom

Can I go da'e weal soon?





ohh my...now...I...I...I...(blushing)

I need to show that nursy dear,

That I can handle one so queer.

(hanging head and pushing my toe in the carpet)


I have to show some guts,

I think I'm going nuts.

(hiding behind the potted plant)


Ok...be brave,

I'll dig my grave!

(knees shaking)


Ok Rabbit...back inside,

I'll shoot...guess I lied.

(hoping not to wet the floor)


Pppplllease be kind,

to a feable mind.

(a sweet bashful smile)



Bugs Bunny


Hiya toots....what's you'e name? *wigglin ears*



Bugs Bunny


Hey toots, who ya callin queer? (not)

And Cwatchet's a dear??? (not)


Some people will do ANYTHING faw a job.



Nurse Crachet


Now Bugs you leave Bashful alone he's here to give me

a hand. Sorry to say the Rubber room is occupied for

now so don't get your hopes up. It's not a fun room

for a Bunny anyhow no carrots allowed.


Bashful, you need to meet me in the kitchen so

we can get you some chow you look so

skinny when's the last time you ate?





Now you wrasclly wabbit.

The nursy has treated me so very fine.

(knees knocken together) She gave me a job

so I can eat you know..*stomach growling*



Nursy Dear...It has b..b..been a week or so since

I had a good meal. (hangin my head and light

rose hue coming to my cheeks)



Bugs Bunny


I can't bewieve dis pwace

Dey lie wight to yaw face

Dey pwomise you a woom

And den say not so soon?


And Justin Kace, I see

Won't even speak to me

He tinks I'm just a 'toon

He said I'm a weal loon.


And Juntin Thyme I found

Don't weally want me 'wound

Tinks I'm weally scwewy

I say dis is hooey.


And Bashful over dere

Tink I weally care?

I won't share my cawwot

I'm a wasc'lly wabbit.


Now just give me my woom

And give it to me soon

I know ya got da space

Da Moose has left dis pwace.



Justin Sayne


My friends you see it's Justin Sayne

I do like LoonyToons

Unlike my brother Justin Kace

and silly masked raccoons....


As long as you stay in that place

I shall not bother you

For I'm here free of lock and key

Psychoses I don't do.....



Bugs Bunny


I'm STILL waitin faw my WOOM Cwatchet

*tapping foot impatiently*



Nurse Crachet


Well Bugs see the problem is I can't seem to keep

those Justin's out of the room. I could double you

up but I fear that would be damaging to your spirit.

What I would like of you is to entertain poor Bashful,

he's having a tough time since joining us. He seems to

have taken a liking to you so it would work nicely,

plenty of carrots for your reward. We transferred

Elmer Fudd so you don't have to worry about

him tracking you.








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