Whatever happened To Andrew Scott?


The Unknown Poet


Whatever happened to Andrew Scott

Writing poetry all day long?

Has it been so long we've all forgot

How well that man sings a song?


Are you there, Andrew, you know without you,

The ‘Stute seems kind of bland.

Anarchy is threatening the forums, too,

And ol' Toerag is gettin' out of hand!


With Cwackers and Bugs and Elmer Fudd,

Your presence is nearing essential.

Don't worry ‘bout Cratchet - she'll never catch it,

If you give her those bogus credentials.


It's Justin Conceivable how unbelievable

This place has become.

I saw a witch melt but watching only felt

Justin Credibly numb.


Bugs is on the run, the Martian has a ray gun,

Hey, what's that all about?

Justin Thyme lost his rhyme, Justin Kase can't save face,

Come back Doc and straighten this out.


Whatever happened to Andrew Scott,

Don't tell me he ended up like Any Rooney.

There's tunes everywhere, Andrew, don't you care

That the ‘Stute has just gone looney?


The Unknown





The "King of Crayons" is sorely missed

His talents awe inspiring

We'll burn the flame 'till he gets back

With vigil never tiring



Bugs Bunny


Oh Andwew, waaahhh aaahhhh youuuuuuuuu?



Justin Kace


Justin Kace you wanted to

Know where we've hidden

Poor Andrew

He's locked up tight

within the 'Stute

with pencils and some

Paper too

I checked on him

This very night

He wrote some stuff

Then drew, An-drew. An-drew...



Andrew Scott


Unknown One: How wonderful you are to

find me missing...Know that it is true, they

took away my crayons and gave me pen

and paper... but soon I'll escape these

confines and wreak havoc amongst my

fellow mates. NEVER FEAR...

ANDREW IS HERE! With my supper

sauce, and my faithful friend Fred.








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