by The Unknown Poet
Twiddly dee, twiddly dum,
Ho hum, ho hum, ho hum.
I yawn, I sigh, I pass life by
Just twiddlin' da thumb.
While some go here, and some go there,
For you all go somewhere.
You work, you play, yet here I lay,
For I have not a care.
A tallyhe, a tallyho,
I have no where to go.
I laugh, I smile, but all the while
I ain't your average Joe.
I taste, I smell, I hear, I see,
But feel nothing in me.
I tick, I tock, but hear the clock,
In mocking misery.
I waste away another day
But what is there to say?
Ho hum, ho hum, twiddly dum,
Wont matter anyway.
The Unknown Poet
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