I'm Back!!!!





I've broke a thousand mirrors

since the day that I was born.

The one there in that delivery room

shattered to a million pieces

the minute it caught glimpse of me.


How could my mama hold me?

I looked like the ace of spades.

She'd always kiss me on my cheek,

and tell me I'm like no other.


See my head it has a funny shape

my eye sockets sink right in,

my nose is like a dimple

no nose juice can escape.

My lips form a tiny heart

that's why mama loved me.


My brain how can I explain

it's there, it's really there

just fails to cooperate

with the rest of me.


So they think I'm crrrazy

they send me away.

Little did they know

I'd be back

one day.

Ha, ha,

he, he,










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