Justin Thyme




Y2P? Well, that's because

you really have to go.

Y2B? Well, can't you see?

You're quite alive, you know.

Y2C? It's just because

God gave you 2 blue eyes.

Y4D? 'Cause 39 is

no longer your size.

Y4U? Well, I don't know,

you asked for it, I guess.

Y4R? That Shakespeare dude

he answered that one best.

Y26? Well isn't that because

you want a son?

Y26? HAHA, I mean,

because you want some fun!

4U2? Well that's because

you much deserve it, too!

Y4I? You listen here,

'cause I do just like you!

YI1? Well, that's because

I beat you at your game!

YU1? It's just because

I let you win the same!

Y3D? Well, that's so you

can make a square a box!

Y2O? That's just because

you need some better stocks!

YU8? You're hungry, man,

why else would you do so?

Y2P? Oh golly gee,

I *STILL* have to GO!!!


But Y2K? That one's just hype

and all it did was make me type

this silly poem, there was no glitch --

(but I'm sure that it made SOMEONE rich!)




sincerely yours and (c)

Justin Thyme, 1/4/2000

aka Leonardo DaVinci


(All Rights To Indefinitely Stay Thyme's Eternally)






Justin Kace


My brother's really Justin Sayne.

He's got some silly code UC -

Justin Kace you hadn't seen

Would someone tell him Y2P?


It's really Justine Uff 4me

And should be equally 4U.

I'm trying very hard 2C

And I hope that Udo2.....



Justin Thyme


What do you mean, bro' Justin Kace,

you say that you've had Justin Uff?--

This poem I wrote has not a trace

of dumb advice and stupid fluff...


Why am I asking Y2P?

Well, that's because I want to know

but then I answered it, you see,

and now I know I have to go!


So, CU2, bro' Justin Kace

you think that you've had Justin Uff

I'm going now 2PP2

no Y2K to call my bluff


The PP palace does not run

on chips, computers, by the way,

so while I'm off 2PP land

I'll not be scared of Y2K!


Bye bye, ta ta and toodle-oo

Ce soir, JT is leaving you,

'cause Y2K has hit the 'stute

and let us free, now ain't that cute?



au revoir... JT, that's me!



Andrew Scott


Ah my Justin friends... so good to know the

Y2K did not put you away. As Y2P? That's

2EZ... 42P or not 2P is not the ? but a must

or else 1 shall bust! Take it from me, The

Crayon King for I know of things that blow up.

Happy Holidays you 2, or 3, or 4...








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