Thyme Heals All Wounds


Justin Thyme



Thyme heals all wounds, no matter who's,

well, that's just what they say.

Thyme's touch can soothe, and that's the news,

Thyme keeps the blues at bay.


Thyme is your friend, so shake my hand,

and Thyme will slip away

to some Thyme else, like grains of sand,

erasing Thyme's parlay.


Thyme's poetry is Thyme intense,

it measures Thyme in verse.

And Thyme remains in present tense,

'til Thyme is soon dispersed.


Thyme heals all wounds, that's what they say;

Thyme does not take a chance.

When Thyme returns with Thyme to play,

Thyme always takes a stance.


Justin Thyme



Justin Kace


Thyme wounds all heals - That's what they say

I'm not sure that is so

I look about from day to day

From head to healin' Toe


Those wounded heals are Justin Tact

All healed you Shirley Jest

So grateful there is Thyme in fact

To heal wounds he does best...



Justin Thyme


I'm full of myself, the lady says,

well let me fill you in.

If you were at the 'Stute with me,

you're mind would be in spin.


You see, these nurses, doctors and

these guards who're dressed in white,

can make a guy or gal go NUTS

when daytime turns to night.


They turn the lights off here and then

they sneak up right behind

and stab you with a needle, then,

they try to steal your mind.


And pretty soon they have your head

inside this big wide vice.

You must be careful what you say.

When at the 'Stute, think twice.


Well, anyway, what happens then

is not so pretty, no!

They split your mind in two, my friend,

and will not let it go.


And so you see, one part of me

hates all of me, in fact.

The other part thinks I'm just great!

That part keeps me in tact.


They call me schizoid, Thyme you knew,

they call me "double-Thyme"...

so one of me decides to write

some silly little rhyme.


We have a vacant room, my dear,

west wing right in the rear.

So, when you feel "full of yourself",

come on, join in, no fear!



Justin Thyme aka

Leonardo DaVinci

Artiste Extraorindaire


one of us wrote this, but damned if I know

which one... lemme talk to me about it



Justin Tolerable


I didn't know, dear bother mine

That they had you Insane

My life with out my family

Has been just so mundane.


I'll help to try and break you out

All two or three of you.

We'll go playing in the park

Enjoying the fine view.


We'll pick up all he ladies

Show them a good Thyme

We'll leave them in the morning

Proclaiming us in rhyme.



Justin Nuendo


I'm glad I got here Justin Thyme

To read yer marvelous rhyme

No matter to me who wrote it

Nope, little bro', not a bit


Justin Nuendo


Please make it Justin Thyme for

supper this Thyme will ya ?








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