The Oprah Show


Justin Thyme



I decided to write some poetry

for only one reason, you know.

When my poem's printed up for the book on the shelves,

I might get on the Oprah Show!


She'll interview me with a smile and she'll ask

if this poem book she could endorse

and add to her list for the public to read,

and then, "Yes!" I will say, "But of course!"


I can see it now! The Oprah Show

with "Voices on the Net"!

But I hadn't imagined us all on the stage,

so hadn't submitted yet.


I'm writing this poem for Oprah, you see,

'cause I think she's a gem and a doll!

If it wasn't for dreaming of me on her stage,

I don't think I'd be writing at all!



Justin Thyme








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