I Was An Abused Clown as a Child

Writing Haikus on Earth Day


Justin Thyme



I was a clown that was abused

My mother, she was cruel.

She made me write haikus and such

before I went to school.

On Earth Day, she was adamant

about the way I dressed.

She said I looked just like a clown,

my brothers will attest.


And Justin Kace you didn't know,

my cousin, Justin Sayne,

decided he would join me and

we wrote this short refrain:


"Mother, you're abusive.

You really make us sick!

We think that we will run away

and split this scene real quick!

Because you treat us badly

and make us write haikus,

you've given our whole family

a bad case of the blues!

You are abusive, Mother.

And so we have to say,

this whole damn Justin family

is leaving on Earth Day."


And on that note, we did just that,

we up and split that joint.

And Mother scowled and cursed us out

and said we'd missed the point.


"I make you write haikus because

it is an exercise!

It's 'sposed to make you think of life

and stop your nasty lies!

You boys are just a bunch of clowns,

a fact you can't refute!

So, get up off your lazy butts

One day, you'll see the ‘Stute!"


And so it was, on Earth Day when

we ran away and split.

We said, "We'll not take this abuse!

We will have none of it!"

And years went by and then one day

we found that Mom was right,

we ended up inside the ‘Stute

when they turned out the light.


The funny thing, I'm telling you,

is that, for therapy,

they made us write haikus at night!

They said it sets us free!




Justin Thyme, recent ‘Stute Escapee



Justin Kace


Justin Kace you ask

what crying clowns do to laugh

they all write haiku



Justin Thyme


Hey, big bro!

I'm sure you know

that I LOVE your reply!!!

And so, I guess,

I'll write some lines

that might make

someone cry.


The picture here

of Justin Dear

made me feel

mighty proud!

And so, I'll scream

up to the hills

I'm glad

that they allowed


a silly poem that's

Justin Sync

with all this signifies!

And if my Uncle

Justin Trude

comes here

and poems ensue...


I guess I'll have

no dignity!

I'll respond

with a HAIKU!










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