How 'Bout Them Malcontents?


Justin Thyme


How 'bout them malcontents?

Ain't they brats?

Complain about this

and complain about that!

Complainin' at work

and complainin' at break!

Complainin' cause gripers

are in their wake!


How 'bout them faultfinders,

ain't they some crabs?

Gripin' 'bout buses

and they're gripin' bout cabs!

Grouchin' 'bout sunshine,

grumblin' 'bout rain!

All that darn complainin'

could drive a man insane!


How 'bout them malcontents,

ain't they coots?

Bitchin' 'bout everything

in this 'Stute!

Crabbin' 'bout meatloaf,

crankin' 'bout pie!

Grousin' bout Dr. Moose,

kick him in the eye!


How 'bout them sourpusses?

They're here, you know!

Pablo, Michelangelo,

and ol' Van Gogh...

As soon as ol' Rockwell

comes on the scene,

crankin' at HIM,

if you know what I mean!


Everybody sayin'

that Norm can't paint!

Now ol' Rockwell is

the brunt of their complaint.

Just cause his name

don't end with "o",

he can't be an artist,

and they say so!


How to be a malcontent?

The question is moot!

Get yer crabby sourpuss

and come into the 'Stute!








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