Some words about our Genius…


It so happened this poor fellow had himself registered

as Justin Genious, instead of Justin Genius.

Of course little mistakes can be changed,

but alas! When our Wizard says soon

it can be any day or whenever and trust me,

this took an awful long time, so our Genius

decided to play around a bit to see if he could

speed things up a little. That’s the reason

why you’ll find his first topics signed

with Justin Genious (soon to be genius).


Justin Genius also loves to make a little

fun of people and some of his fellow

poets at PipTalk already had the

pleasure (?) of this experience.

Thus far his victims were:

Tracey, the Lady who dared Justin G.

Mysteria (Sharon) who lives in British

Columbia and loves to laugh –

Nancy Ness, the teacher of the

Poetry Workshop and the nicest lady.

Not to forget an awesome poetess! –

Dr.Moose1, yes the one and only! –

and of course his dearest friend Nurse

Crachet, another of our “Stute characters.


Last but not least Justin decided to lend

his helping hand when our Wizard, Ron Carnell,

had a little trouble sending everyone

the 3rd Poetry Anthology of Passions in Poetry.

I wonder though… did he help him out,

or was he Trouble?


The last thing I've heard is that our Genius

is somehow involved in computer-dating.

I’m sure we may expect some more

laughter in the future from this character…

and a character he is!!


Lady in Red









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