Disturbed Yin & Yang



Upon one sunny day, not long ago, here at the 'Stute
Nurse Crachet hollered through the halls addressing me: "You mute!"
Now I’ve been called a lot of names, but none of them this brute,
I always thought the staff had manners in this institute.

I have been called ingenious, I have been called a nerd,
But never by a member of the staff - it's most absurd!
The nurse is not supposed to call me any nasty name,
The worst she is supposed to do is poke my little brain.

She irons all the jackets strai(gh)t, but needs variety,
So therefore irons with this Justin still inside to see
If I can scream in steam the words: you're doing a fine job!
She surely knows to turn domestic jobs to something hot.

And one of Crachet's fav'rite toys: catheters of barbed wire!
Now ain't it kewl to have a nurse who sets a man on fire!
And in the rubber room I’m thrilled to hear our Nurse announce,
I'm getting extra time and if I'm good an extra bounce.

No need to tell you folks I am her fav'rite of the Clan
But now she's hurt my feelings and disturbed my Yin & Yang
She called me "mute", I won’t forget until my dying day!
It was unjust Nurse C.! I guess that's all I had to say.

A Justin Measurably Miserable
Justin Genius



Nurse Crachet


Piper down my dear Justin,
it was just a word no cursin’.
You claim to be a charmer,
but than you wear such armor.
For me to break through it all
would take me almost to fall.
See, Justin that's a toughie,
you'll be Marshmallow fluffy,
waiting for just the right time.

You remember the rubber room well,
and through it you did quite swell.
No complaints can be garnished,
your attributes nicely varnished.
You've got some issues to address,
for you second guess the word success.
Little earthquakes in rubber rooms,
doesn't mean in a week you will resume,
for it only happens at just the right time.




Pray tell that this is indeed true?
I'd thought we'd seen the last of you.
Hip, hip, hooray, or as they say
might this not mean that I am too?

I thought I was, but just because
the rest of you were with me then.
Then I was one, what was begun
came to and end, I'd lost my friends!

Oh happy day! (or as they say)
the fruit falls not far from the tree.
The Institute shall never fade
it's more than just a memory.





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