What's In The Cards? Part 1


by Dr.Moose1


To cast off ties

That earthly bind

And free the soul

To lift the mind


Unfettered flight

Of spirit soar

We shall dwell

In dark no more


Examine thoughts

Stripped free of guile

Seen unshrouded

Lament this while


In light of truth

Where less is more

I pause at yet

Another door



What's In The Cards? Part 2

(Or Am I Playing With A Full Deck?)


by Dr.Moose1


Fear and awe

Assail me

For here is that

I wished to see


Confronted thus

For now I flee

Quite daunting this



In time most brief

To return again

This quest is one

That has no end


Such weighed beliefs

On scale of fact

Oft' are measured

By what they lack



Andrew Scott


I keep telling you Moose

That you should not be loose

The world outside the "Stute

Ain't for us right thinking fruits


Don't go out there no more

Don't go out that front door

It's safest inside here

Where we know what to fear





O.K., I can't take it anymore.This was written in two parts

to see if anyone would notice there were only 52 words in

each part, a "double decker".Thanks for all the comments,

see you in the "Stute'



Andrew Scott


Ah... you are a crafty fellow there Dr. Moose. 52 words indeed!

But if you noticed my second response has but only 44 words.

That's because I don't play with crazy eights and there can be

but one king of the 'Stute, so they are gone from my deck as

well. Hence 44! Nobody shall ever accuse me of playing

with a full deck... and if you check your cards you'll find

your twos are missing. Now go fish cause I haven't

any jacks.






A reply as crafty as my verse

But this just makes these matters worse

If my twos are missing, how can this be thus

At last count there were four of us


The route of four cannot be three

Oh no, this can never be

So if I have this figured right

They're not gone, just out of sight



Andrew Scott


Are you saying my good Moose

That your sleeves are rather loose

And it's your quick hand so slight

That your twos are out of sight?


Well, my cards are on the table

Each Sportin' the bicycle label

And don't you never mind the colors

Each different from the others


Now draw! And I don't mean with ink.

I'm watching closely. No I won't blink.

I'm calling your hand. No way you'll win!

What! A Five-of-a-kind! All Justin.






I this place that we have met

Would you expect an even bet?

What's up my sleeve is but an arm

No cause there for such alarm!


Now in my heads another tale

With which soon I will regale

Of fact and fiction intertwined

For now I've just mis-placed my mind








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