A Matter of Perspective... or... Rats in Designer Suits

by Andrew Scott


Cute furry gray rodents

Running amongst the trees

Harvesting the spring nuts

As busy as you please


Cute furry gray rodents

Charming in your pursuits

But the truth of the tail

Rats in designer suits



Wicked Witch of the East


Listen well my little pretty,

You be botherin my little squirrels,

Ian'll lift his leg, be makin ya wetty,

and be a chasin ya barkin, til your little head whirls.



Andrew Scott


Oh don't get me wrong Wicked One

For squirrels I am fond.

But like cheryl done said

If its tail were thin

How would you respond?


Anyone for a rat-trap and a hunk of bree?





Rat's in designer suits

the image dances in mind

lady dressed spiked boots

ready to be wined an dined

menu draped in fur no waste

tonight's delicacy rare taste

haunted in dreams by scampering

tiny little feet on eyes tampering

see me your friend from the park silly

little girl on the swings called me Milly

sweet dreams I leave unto you so delightfully







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