Eternity's Slow Caress


by Willy Honker



Giddy up horsey

were gonna ride

gonna find us

a dame to romance,

she'll love us

just fine you and I

as we carry her

to sites unknown.


We'll dazzle her

lustrous intellect,

enlighten her

with our style to date,

dine her on elegance

of pure delight,

gather the reins

of passion and ride.


She's not far my pal

just over yonder

we'll gallop her away

within a blink

once I'm on my knees

to her pleading,

honoring the blessed

ground she walks.


Take my hand dear lady,

follow paradise

your every wish I vow

to carry complete,

the rising tides

cannot succumb my desires

ride with me

through eternity's slow caress.








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