‘Stute Newbie


Nurse Kindheart



Lost within a complicated world

of minds off in little isolated


of their own for delight of senses.

How can I unlock their doors

with unfamiliar dialect

and sight?

Where do I begin to show I care

when they shun me at every


I'm crying in my own world

they seem so fragile

all I want to do

is help.

Is there a door they'll let me open,

is there a door for me to try?

I'm here as a Stute newbie

yet all I do is cry.





Hey Nurse, my doors always open

and I'm a pretty interesting fellow.

I'm up on the North wing painted yellow

we could sit and play some cards you think,

cause our old Nurse Crachet she's off having a drink?



Justin Nuendo


Hey Nursey be careful


He's got in his room a real nest

No telling what awful

Things you uncover

He's sometimes really depressed!


You seem rather lost

And cry quite a bit

Already in a world of your own?

Better quit at all cost

If you want to fit

in, otherwise in these tears you'll drown!


**Handing the Nurse his hanky**

Sorry sister, don't 'ave a clean one,

but this one was washed last year



Nurse Kindheart


My which way do I turn,

in the kitchen will I burn?

Do I need to always beware

or at times can I take a dare?

Right now a guide would do fine

I promise to share a glass of wine.

I didn't mean to cry no hanky needed

In my situation I have simply pleaded

to walk easiest amongst the best of you

I need to have a complete and honest view.



Andrew Scott


Say hey Nurse K please dry those eyes

There ain't no need for all your cries


This here warning I will give you

If in the 'Stute you will be too


We'll let you in through any door

But walk through some, you're seen no more


I'm Andrew Scott, the Crayon King

The one who rules the 'Stute's East Wing


Playing with crayons is my crime

Gas and wax mix are my hot time


Lady in Red is my main flame

My heart of hearts tis her I claim


One Flew Over is a good sort

As is Doc Moose I will report


Some brothers Justin are just fine

While some we have yet to define


Beware the potato E. Fudd

Cause he's one crazy deranged spud


As a whole the toons are left field

It's best if you leave their doors sealed


And as for our dear Nurse Cratchet

Drinking's become her new habit


Others you'll meet, given the time

One by one as you read their rhyme


So to you "Welcome to the 'Stute"

I'm glad to see another coot.


PS. You wouldn't happen to have a fresh pack of

crayons on ya? I'm starting to run out of Red and my

life size portrait of Lady is only half done. I also

see you stopped by the kitchen… mystery head

goo-stew… not bad if you don't mind not knowin'

who your sitting down to dinner with. Makes it

hard for conversation. Feel free to drop by

anytime… and ah… don't forget the crayons

next time. Thanks.








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