You Have 24 Hours to Wespond


by E.Fudd


I, Mo'med Toonewanian

Shut down this site you see

My Spwinter gwoup fwom Saturday

Cwaims wesposibiwity


We will continue to cwash the system

Until all our demands are met

We've got deep cover opewatives

E. Fudd, for one, you bet!


We shut down O.P. one thwough four

As a show of stwenght

To hide this twuth fwom all of you

Ron will go to any wenght


The fwee speech of the infidels

Will be banished fwom this site

You must pwaise the poems of Elmer Fudd

Until you get it wight


In the absence of any aqwostic twicks

Our pwogwam will be installed

And soon your whitings will be twanscwibed

Wike Fudd's for once and all!



Andrew Scott


Perhaps you are befuddled

for you do not hold sway

Open season on poets

Does not start until Friday






The season's always open

As wong as I am fwee

There's just one way to stop my pwan

But no more cwues you'll get fwom me





Never will you gain control

In this, or another life

Cease your terrorist threats you mole

E. Fudd, you are, not nice


To hold this site for ransom

Really yanks my chain

You've sunk as low as one can go

E.Vil should be your name


For if all did sound like you

Unthinkable at best

Diversity would dissappear

Doomed as was this test


Slipped it right by some of them

Overatures were made

Rarely can you fool this bunch

Real savvy, most oft' displayed


You'll get no praise from me

No, I hold the acrostic key

Once again your plans I'll thwart

Count on it you see


Impassioned poets I'll protect

Guaranteed you are to fail

Although this time you did come close

Reason has prevailed








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