Miracle On The Thirty-Fourth Floor(or "Yes Virginia

Those Are Dandy Paws")


by Dr.Moose1


Twas the week before Christmas

And Cratchit was hot

All through the halls

Were these little wet spots


Her anger was such

That her face was all red

And the steam from her ears

It encircled her head


"On paper you cretin"

"Not on my floor"

They just mopped it this morning"

"At a quarter to four"


The Artistes laughed so hard

That their easels did wiggle

Which they stood behind

So she couldn't see them giggle


The "Toons" as imagined

Went so berserk

That some wet themselves

Which just made for more work


As the Justins cavorted

Dancing with glee

They could barely contain it

Justin Continent Lee


While off on my rounds

I heard all the racket

Slammed down some good cheer

And hid the rest in my jacket


My flask's precious contents

Were getting quite light

Not the one that I drink from

No , that wouldn't be right


But the other large beaker

That laid down this false trail

And led Cratchit in circles

Chasing her tail


The pup's hidden safely

Away from this mess

Where she'll never find him

'Cause no-one will confess


So to all Merry Christmas

I leave nothing to chance

If you'll excuse me a moment

I must go change my pants








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