I Am (Late)


by Dr.Moose1


Despite my inclinations

I was formed from common ore

The fires of my creation

inspire me to more


Forged at will of elements

from the table periodic

Oft times the rhymes from quill that spill

may seem some-what neurotic


The hammer blows swift shape a blank

and fit it to a need

As time continues on it's quest

at a higher rate of speed


Machined these thoughts of alloy

steel me against my fears

That I've lived a life too shallow

and I'm running out of years.



Cheshire Grin


What? What's this I hear

Doth deceive my feline ear?

Why, it's good ol’ Moose again

Seems he's been drinking gin

For he's not what he claims to be

Periodic table, a farce indeed

He's in league with Nurse Cratchet

Stealing all our pretty rachets

Taking away our Erector sets

Selling them to finance his bets

Oh, what a rascally rascal he be

Mean to the 'Stute people and me

Why....he even had the gall

To try to steal my furry...um..to have me neutered...





Excuse me there, oh Cheshire grin

did you really think that you could win?

Not likely, one who is so loose

the wise don't mess with Dr.Moose.


A challenge do I see from here?

If so I have my furry ears

attuned to that which you may say

is it time that we will play?



Cheshire Grin


Yanno, my television comes in betta

When you turn those furry antennae

Those antlered horns upon your head

I wonder...how do you fit in bed?

I think I once heard Nurse C. relate

How her French garter you once ate

Now I wonder, away from all gossip

Did that garter make you hiccup?

You know...that time you were doling pills

Making 'Stute patients see flat hills

I'm sure I saw a bit of that lace

Dangling from your furry long face

Now Fudd might get a wittle jealous

His ardor for Cratchet's pretty zealous


Now wherefore is that Justin Clan

I think it's time to stop this Man

Or Moose, goose or caboose

Though my marbles are lost or loose

Slinking through the 'Stutes long halls

Thankful I've still got my fuzzy....um...ears





Cheshire Grin,


When I was just a little calf

my psyche split by two in half

Not that anybody'd know

on your mark, get set, and go!


Sometimes I race against myself

to get" The Book " down off the shelf

I look things up, I'm curious

to school I rode the Silly-bus


Though some may think me quite confused

it's how I keep myselves amused

Some words in there are pretty neat

I like meter, rhyme, and feet


It be-hooves me very much

to let some think I'm out of touch

Because I know the real score

where they've but two, I have got four


And mo' is better as we all know

If not there're places one shouldn't go

The point I make if you can catch it

I've never done those deeds with Cratchit


Monger rumors all you want

Italicize or change the font

Cheshire Grin the game's a-foot

Watch those feet and where they're put


The distance measured North to South

may not quite keep them from your mouth

With no afore-thought of any malice

if you don't trust me just go ask Alice


Now here's the problem if I may intuit

Staying here interferes with the continuit..

EEEEE-gads! A shocking revelation

I left those nuts at that desert station!


I think it was area fifty-one

I wanted to leave I thought we were done

It's all coming back but still kinda fuzzy

The "Bus " was hi-jacked by some grinnin "WhatWuzzy"


See ya there...








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